UP miniaturen release No2


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Staff member
Aug 7, 2006
Beautiful Bampton, Devon
Hi guys ,
Received in the same parcel from my friend Ulrich is the 2nd in the releases this month (more are to follow at a later date) this time is :

Prince Leopold of Bavaria

So as before lets have a bit of history on the subjects :

Leo (in german Leopold Maximilian Joseph Maria Arnulf, Prinz von Bayern) was born on 9 February 1846 in Munich the son of Prince Regent Luitpold of Bavaria (1821–1912) and his wife Archduchess Augusta of Austria (1825–1864).

Prince Leopold entered the Bavarian Army at the age of 15, and received his patent as a lieutenant dated 28 November 1861. He saw first combat during the Austro-Prussian War in 1866, where he commanded an artillery battery at Kissingen and Rossbrunn.
In 1870 in the Francio Prussian War his father sent him to serve with the 3rd Bavarian Artillery Regiment and saw action at Sedan and Beauvert. He was promoted to major in December 1870.For his bravery against the enemy he received both the Iron Cross 1st and 2nd Classes, the Bavarian Military Merit Order Knight 1st Class, the Knight's Cross of the Military Order of Max Joseph, Bavaria's highest military decoration, and decorations from several other German states.

He remained in the Bavarian army and was finally promoted to the rank of field marshal (Generalfeldmarschall) on 1 January 1905. He retired from active duty in 1913 .........however on 16 April 1915, he was re-activated and given command of the German 9th Army, replacing General August von Mackensen.

Leopold quickly proved himself an able commander as he took Warsaw on 4 August 1915. Following this success, he was put in command of Army Group Prince Leopold of Bavaria (Heeresgruppe Prinz Leopold von Bayern), which was a combined German/Austro-Hungarian force in the central sector of the Eastern Front.

He was awarded the Grand Cross of the Military Order of Max Joseph on 5 August 1915, the prestigious Pour le Mérite, Prussia's highest military decoration, on 9 August 1915 and the oak leaves to the Pour le Mérite on 25 July 1917. On 29 August 1916, after the brutal summer campaigns succeeded in reversing the Brusilov Offensive against the Austrians, Leopold became the Supreme Commander of the German forces on the Eastern front (Oberbefehlshaber Ost), succeeding Field Marshal Paul von Hindenburg. Leopold held this post for the rest of the war. On 4 March 1918, Leopold received yet another high honor, the Grand Cross of the Iron Cross, awarded only five times during World War I.

Prince Leopold retired again in 1918 after the signing of the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk.

He died on 28 September 1930 in Munich and is buried in the Colombarium in the Michaelskirche in Munich

Continued in next post:



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As usual the model was received quickly and well packed as in the others from UP miniaturen , consisting of 4 pieces (head , torso, hands and Iron Cross base) , also included is a information sheet

Continued in next post:



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Scale : 1:10th
Material : Resin
Reference Number : 0010
Sculptor; Ulrich Puchala
Casting: Yanis Sagiadinos

Casting and sculpting is extremely well done

More in next post :


Moving onto the pieces themselves , looking 1st at the main body :

Leopold is sculpted wearing a fur lined greatcoat (the fur is effective ..just waiting for washes to bring out the detail) I think he has a mantel over his shoulders (the base of the bust is cut above where this would end) , there is a small casting line to remove which can be achieved with light sanding , nice details on the decorations and the glasses that hang on the jacket , folds are again well done as in the previous bust but this time it looks a heaver material as befits what he is wearing .

Continued in the next post:



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Like this, I think I must be developing a fetish for Picklehaubes. With a bit of work the one from this could be copied for the HRH Rupprecht piece.

Onto the other 3 pieces that complete the model :

The head is cast wearing the the picklehaube (the helmet plate should be painted silver and to finish it completely, the oval crest in the middle of the helmet plate would be enameled (black,red,white,blue and gold)for Bavarian generals.

As before facial details are very good indeed with the beard warrenting special attention to bring out the details , credit to the sculptor and the caster .

Again there is a small casting plug to deal with at the back of the helmet . , but no real problem there. The helmet tip was unbroken when received but perhaps this might be pushed into a piece of the foam chippings to further protect it .
Take your time painting the helmet to bring all the details out ..it will be worth it

The hand (left only) is sculpted wearing a glove and holding a sword hilt (again I will add a sword knot) whuich will need a small amount of work , in addition to this he also carrys the field marshal's undress baton .

As usual with the range the base is as before the Iron Cross version , nice detailing on it (oakleaves) which adds a distinctive touch.

Continued in next post :



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Another nice piece good detailing which will make a nice addition to the display cabinet , so here is the piece painted by Ben Dekker (see his post on this for other pictures)

I like this range perhaps it might lead to other personalities from the Allies (England/Belgium etc)

Leopold can be obtained for 35 euro's plus shipping

UP miniatures contact details : www.puchala-figuren.de or [email protected]



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Kev, great review and congrats to Ulrich on another excellent sculpt. Great work on the face and picklehaube. (y)

Cheers Ken

Hi Guys ,
Not a problem , like Brad said its a great range , here is a picture of a painted version I received from Ulrich .



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Excellent likeness to Leopold. Great detail work. Face has very good detail. Again, another fine bust from you. Well worth the purchase. Can't wait to purchase another fine work from you Mr. Puchala. I would really like to see a full figure of Leopold in 120mm.

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