Completed Vampire’s Kiss


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PlanetFigure Supporter
May 10, 2005
Working on this cool composition from Ignis Art, “Vampire’s Kiss.” The parts were beautifully engineered to go together flawlessly. Colors are roughed out, but they will end up much more desaturated by the time I get done, and likely with some moonlight osl. Just working on refining the vampire’s face now.

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The flesh tones are beautifully subtle, which given the colours is really good going. The eyes are awesome with plenty of life in them in a dead sort of way, if you know what I mean!

Cheers Simon
Hi Matt

What a great pairing , nice start as always , liking the vampires tones so far...great teeth !

Like the clothing colours , they work well together , look forward to seeing how they progress

What’s the scale on this ?

Following with interest

Happy benchtime

What’s the scale on this ?


I'm guessing about 1/10? They are temporarily mounted on a champagne cork if that gives a sense of scale. Each bust is about three inches tall. I'm getting back to actual miniatures after all the big 1/4 busts I've been doing. Working my way back down in scale :)
Hi Matt

Coming on nicely ...out of interest what did you do on the pass .....a wash ?

Great pairing, that vampire flesh scares me !

Thanks for sharing the updates

Looking forward to seeing more

Have fun @ the bench

Hi Matt

Coming on nicely ...out of interest what did you do on the pass .....a wash ?


I had to clean up a lot of tiny bubbles that showed up because rather than priming traditionally, I tried a base spray of matte varnish from a can. I didn’t decant it and airbrush, so it was uneven and I could see bumps all over. I cleaned them carefully, but she ended up looking spotty. I re-airbrushed darks and lights, added some freckles at low pressure then glazed on highs and lows with a brush along with lips, eyes, etc. Next session I’ll probably lightly airbrush to blend and then reinforce the freckles which are mostly lost under the glazing. She won’t be done, but about in the same spot as the vampire. Then the bodies, osl (if I do it), and final detailling.
There is a nice contrast between the flesh tones, I think the only suggestion I could make would be to add more colour to the victim, make her warm blood stand out kind of thing. It would be subtle though, a flush to the cheeks and a redder tone to the lips. It's been a couple of decades since I last painted a female figure and that was a flat, discounting the 28mm gaming pieces of course, so I'm really no expert.

Cheers Simon