"View from my bench -2019 and beyond "


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oops.... weird moment... I'm back to brushes after many periods of just using putty.

I have shown you some pieces waiting for brush and now I am painting another one.
it is an officer of the 8 corazzieri in the revolutionary period. the only regiment equipped with cuirass at that time

the piece is a sculpture of Bruno Leibovitz not in production and that exists only in 5 pieces. I am a lucky owner of one of them
I started with acrylic paints and there is still a lot of work to do on the face and other parts.

And then there is the horse from the Figurinitaly range that fits well as size and morphology and ... finally a naked horse without the whole saddle but only the halter ... it was a long time that I was looking for this possibility and this figure leaning against the fence has given me the opportunity to do it.

but what color would you see the horse in? Black, gray, sorrel... not bay... I've painted too many recently.

Hi Ivo

Lovely modelling on Lasalle , certainly a flamboyant subject ..of course it is ...being him !

Like the horse work and pose

Hope to see this painted .......in between your other projects

As for the Cuirassier I think a gray would work well ...dappled ...good contrast its the figure ....only 5 pieces ..wow !

Happy benchtime


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I haven't published anything for a long time... I have many projects running in parallel and sometime some of them can be call finished.

here the last one a kettkledrummer of the Berry cavalry in 1720.
The figure is based on a publication written by Jean-Claude Colrat and edited by Le Briquet. Are 4 volumes on the french Kettkedrummers along the centuries rich of details and beautiful drawings.
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The figure was sculpted starting with Figurinitaly head and hands, the rest? Milliput terracotta , some historex parts, a metal modeles horse and a lot of work and funny research on a field not usual for me

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Hi Ivo,
As I have told you previously, I love all your work bot the ancien regime period pieces in particular. One thing though, I have tried using the copper sheet as you to
d me but I find it very difficult to bend to form the coat tail pleating. Perhaps a SBS on this issue next time? Gracie!
this post is Jason Green responsibility :):Do_O when I saw his rendition of Le.Cimier Krasinsky
when I saw his version of Krasinski I had the desire to repaint a figure I have painted many times in the past. Thanks Jason!
here my progress and my version of the crimson that's usually a debate issue

the figure below is a 1992 version

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and here my actual progress
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I agree with your interpretation of Polish Crimson Ivo for what it is worth.
Hi Ivo

Great to see the final pics of the flag bearer , lovely painting all over but the flag really stands out for all the intricate details

Thanks for sharing

Looking forward to seeing more updates

Happy benchtime

Another project completed during this period is the latest addition to Figurinitaly... a subject I really like and have explored a couple of times in the past.
Colonel Lepic at Eylau, in February 1807, makes the famous speech... 'haut le tetes la mitraille n'est pas de la merde', inspired by Detaille's painting.

for sure you have already seen it in the "figure news" pages but I'd like to share it also here in the workbench

Few examples are still available at [email protected] before they are sold out.
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probably you have seen my 4th light british dragoon in the specific thread

https://www.planetfigure.com/threads/4th-light-dragoons-1842.506897/ to follow it...

but it's time of assembly and sculpting before restart with the brushes... here a new kettledrummer ... Chamborand hussard 1785
an horse modified with Metal Modeles parts and a rider made with Figurinitaly parts over a historex legs...

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after a long time and waiting for the final painting of the WIP figures I propose you something never seen before also if isn't a recent release.

it's an hussar of the 4th regiment inspired from a painting done by Patrice Courcelle. It's a very simple figure also if I did some conversion job specially on the pelisse to optimize the fall on the saddle.

enjoy... I hope

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