Review Vincent from Alexandros Models


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Staff member
Aug 7, 2006
Beautiful Bampton, Devon
Hi everybody

I have been asked to post this on behalf of PF member KEVIN DUNNE from the USA ...big thanks to him for taking the time

Instantly known of course it depicts Vincent Van Gogh

Having painted The Girl with the Pearl Earring and the Afghan Madonna, I imposed upon Gerry Larkin and Rob Norris to get me a copy of Van Gogh at Monte Savino last year.

Despite the best efforts of the Italian post, it finally arrived last week and it was worth the wait.

Alexandros chose to do a somewhat stylized version of Van Gogh's 1889 self portrait, one of his last of almost 40 self portraits.

The 200mm bust come in 3 pieces consisting of head, torso and pallette with no discernible seamlines and crisp clear casting and finish.

The palette is ideal for use on the base with the sculpted sunflowers on it as well .......a nice connection to the world famous painting ...The Sunflowers ..see below for image

The face is spot on the original work and pops into the collar with no filling necessary.

The stylized portion is the bottom edge of the jacket and sleeves which has been engraved in a somewhat "Starry Night" pattern.

The effect is very well done indeed.

I would recommend consult a good coffee table book of Van Gogh work before starting


Its next up on my bench and I will probably buy yet another to convert to an earlier...just have to figure out how to make a 200mm straw hat.

Thanks for looking in


Here's pictures from the Alexandros website with details ...easy to order from

Nice review K :)

It's great looking figure although I'm not convinced about the engraved 'painted effect' on the bottom of the bust myself - It would be very clever done with paints (as in the style of the rest of the bust painting) though so perhaps it's me just being picky. It would be easy enough to remove anyway. . . .
A Gauguin companion next perhaps? (Yes please) (y)

Nice and interesting piece, though I agree with Paul ref the engraved scrolling on the bottom of hos coat.

Having said that, it would be interesting to see it painted in his thick brush-strokes style as per the originals*.
*I think these are the same version (VG often duplicated his paintings**) but note the colour mis-match: the interweb can't be trusted for colour referencing!

** In fact there are seven known versions of his famous Sunflowers composition, plus four earlier ones from his time in Paris.

I like Kevin's idea of adding a straw hat (perhaps utilise model wattle fencing?). A conversion to his 'earless' days with bandage and fur cap would also work (although you'd really only need the figs face ;)).

As Paul suggests, a Gauguin would be fine, perhaps as this one?

(then you could pair them up as Kirk and Anthony in Lust for Life)
I have this bust and completely agree with the review. I was a little put off by the stylized stars on Vincent's jacket, but I'll probably print out a small copy of 'Starry Night' and attach behind the base. I love Van Gogh's work and I was happy to see this bust. If anyone's a sci-fi/fantasy fan, Dr. Who had a marvelous episode 'Vincent and the Doctor' where the 11th Doctor and Amy Pond have an adventure with Vincent. The ending is heart-breaking, but satisfying.
Limbo Miniatures has the same bust. Just wondering which one is a better sculpt.

Looking at it I'd say Limbo has the better likeness*... and the pics shows the 'Vincent' style of painting that I mentioned... which I think works well.

Mind you, the Alexandros version may well look quite different depending on how it's painted up (the boxart doesn't quite work to my eyes).

*the problem is that we have no photos of him other than one as a young man and a contested one as an adult (which perhaps the Limbo version is based on?).

This also raises the issue of what the busts are trying to represent: V's slightly distorted version of reality as typified in his drawings/paintings or naturalistic/photographic realism. Discuss.

Hi all! I am The sculptor of Vincent from Alexandros Models. First of all thanks for the review .We appreciate the keen of our customers to review the sculpture and to discuss the idea that stands behind it.

I´d like to let my 5 cents :) Of course I like to hear the constructive critique anyway I wonder if my explanation if the idea could change your perception of our bust.

I would like to comment the effect of the jacket. For me, as a sculptor was very important to depict the personality of Vincent. Please note that this concrete bust was sculpted using one of his last self-portraits. So it´s a mix between the true person and his self depiction. As I consider that Vincent can´t be depicted without his Art I took the decision to sculpt the above mentioned effect on his jacket.

What does it mean for me :

Version 1: Vincent appears out of his canvas. Imagine that he exists of the 2D surface and becomes alive. Edges of his jacket are the last seconds of the transformation....last traces of his brush before we see a human Artist behind his art.
Version 2: Vincent turns into his painting. We can´t devide him and his art. Each of his paintings hold a piece of his soul. We can imagine him painting and at this same moment becoming his artwork.

"I put my heart and soul into my work, and I have lost my mind in the process" (Vincent Van Gogh)

So the sculpted "starry night" or "brush strokes" are a way of my artistic expression as a sculptor. I know that painters can paint the most exquisite freehand patterns on the jacket but my task was to create a sculpture that speaks even without painting.

As for the comparison of Vincent from Limbo miniatures and Vincent from Alexandros - I don´t see the point becayse they are completely different as are different the self-portraits of Van Gogh used as the references :)


Hi Anastasiya

Thank you for taking the time to respond it's nice to hear the sculptors thoughts behind a piece

Wonder if we will see other artists depicted ?

Happy sculpting and releasing

Stay safe


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