A Fixture
Valdemar Magnusson (1280s - 1318) was a Swedish prince, heir to the throne of Sweden and Duke of Finland.

This figure is on my workbench since Christmas 2011. I declare it finished.
It is a Seil figure (75 mm)that I bought when it came out maybe 5 years ago. It was a challenge that time to paint a knight in black and white with a red cross. Over the years i considerd that painting black and white is a very hard task. When reading some old HMM I saw Vlademar painted by Mike Blank and find the colors great. Just what i needed to pickup the old kit from the grey army and painted like Vlademar. Hope you like it, comments are welcome.

This figure is on my workbench since Christmas 2011. I declare it finished.
It is a Seil figure (75 mm)that I bought when it came out maybe 5 years ago. It was a challenge that time to paint a knight in black and white with a red cross. Over the years i considerd that painting black and white is a very hard task. When reading some old HMM I saw Vlademar painted by Mike Blank and find the colors great. Just what i needed to pickup the old kit from the grey army and painted like Vlademar. Hope you like it, comments are welcome.