Well, I'll chime in here, altho I haven't worked on any figures
for a while. Arthritis has caught up with this old man, it
seems. But regarding painting the eyes, I paint them with very thin
acrylics. And Dullcote is not applied until after I'm completed with
the figure. I like to paint eyes with acrylic because there is no paint
build up and sometimes I have to paint the iris, pupil and catch
light several times before I'm satisfied. Especially with 54mm or smaller.
Once I get both eyes done to my satisfaction, using a opti-visor of
course, I carefully add Woodland Scenics Realistic Water using a
small brush to give the eyes that correct wet gleam. I wish you
will Sir. Remember that we do learn by doing. So that means you
have to paint a lot of figures and a lot of pairs of eyes. . . and
eventually you improve. There is no ONE way to do it and you
may learn a way you like just by accident. That has happened to
me many times since I started this hobby in 1965. Good luck
The Miami Jayhawk