Thank you Nick, Ben, Mike, Joe and Zeno!
Mike, Nice to know the sculptor is following my paintwork, thanks. Glad you noticed the head. When preparing for this figure I found your post about the head position and took care to follow it. I agree it makes all the difference. Actually, originally I wasn't sure about buying the figure as it looked a bit stiff. Seeing your original sculpt changed my view entirely. It really is a terrific sculpt and I figure it must have been a challenge to get the pose right!?
I also found the picture of your link and judging by the folds, particularly on his right breast I presume you have used this in your own research as well! I agree the jacket turned out a bit darker than intended. But there is more....
One thing is that Werner's jacket looks rather new. It cannot have been old really. However, I think new jackets are boring to paint. The wear and tear are too much fun not to do. So basically the worn parts are not really in line with reality.
Then I misinterpreted the rims around the zips. The standard LW jacket has these in light brown fabric, which I painted, and it makes a nice colour contrast. However, looking back at the picture you provided, and at the sculpt itself, it turns out Werner's jacket has sort of fluffed up leather rims almost enclosing the zips...
Ah well, I used to go back over things all the time, hardly finishing anything, but I'm trying to get over that. So I'll accept it as it is and take it as a lesson for the next one!

overall I'm happy how things came out so far. A good sculpt makes painting a lot easier!