What else do we do??


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As my boss says, I do as little as I can get away with. I am a software architect, creating software for designing integrated circuits. It has taken me around the world, I usually travel with a couple of figures and some paints or sculpting tools. After 30+ years, I'm almost ready to say enough and enjoy my grand children (and coming great grand child).

I got into woodworking because I needed bases for my AFV models, now that is a major hobby. For what I spent on tools, I could have bought more bases than I could ever use in two lifetimes. I now am remodeling my house, building in bookcases and redoing the closets.

SWMBO and I garden, we have replaced our lawn with flowers and trees. I have not owned a lawnmower in over 25 years. She is the designer, I'm the engineer - She points to where the hole needs to be dug and I dig it. She does not complain about my hobby necessity expenses and I don't complain about what she buys for the garden.

I've had the pleasure of meeting some of you at the Planet Figure painting seminar last year and hope to see more of you at the show in Dallas.


I wasn't sure how this thread would be received... but the response from all of you has been great.
The postings confirmed what I thought... there is NO formula for the typical painter/sculptor... we come from all walks of life, professions, ages and backgrounds. What amazes me is the multitude of other, unrelated interests I've seen here. There are no one trick ponies in this group, that's for sure.

This has been very enlightening and I hope everyone enjoyed reading these posts as much as I have.

Thanks for everyone who took the time out to share with the rest of the class(y)

Super thread, Colin! Here's my two cents...
I've been a newspaper reporter for the last 10 years, writing all kinds of stories about all kinds of people. I covered the police/courts (criminology is my forte) for many years and now cover municipal politics (just a different kind of crook :DI've been face to face with stone cold killers and seriously ill children. Every day is different.
I don't have much use for celebrity-driven, sensational media. The job of the true journalist is to 'afflict the comfortable and comfort the afflicted' - a noble calling, I think, that many in media have forgotten. If it wasn't for the ordinary people who undergo extraordinary experiences, there would be no 'news.'
Painting is my 'escape' from what is often a very stressful job.
That said, along with the Old Man I have 2 great kids, one heading for criminology and another a financial analyst. I love British history, have played guitar for almost 40 years and am learning the mandolin. And I have two historical passions, Jack the Ripper and the Titanic. 100 years ago, my great-grandfather tried to book passage from England on the Titanic, but she was filled up. Funny how life goes...but for that it's entirely possible I wouldn't be here.

great to see the people behind the avatars!
I have had a very lucky life. Emigrated to Canada in 1977. Met my wife in our last year of uni (she still puts up with me). Obtained my degree in Biology and then trained as a paramedic. In 1988, I had the choice of flight medic or firefighter (I think I took the right option). I've been with Fire for 24 years now, currently as a District Chief (Battalion Chief in the States) with 6 years to go. Two great sons, currently in university (engineering and accounting).

Since collecting a massive library and grey army are prerequisites for this hobby here are my other interests. My wife and I love travelling, music, reading and going to the theatre. Enjoy getting out on my mountain bike. I can barely skate so I watch hockey (oh, those poor Maple Leafs:confused:) and LOVE football (the world type:rolleyes:) especially Celtic FC and Liverpool FC. I've played (still try) since a kid and coached the game.

I also love trolling antique shops and stores, collecting stereoscopic cards (think Victorian/Edwardian Viewmaster) in particular military (Boer, Russo-Japanese, WW1) and geographical (Asia).

I've been very fortunate as soccer and this hobby have afforded me the opportunity to make some great friends and travel all over Canada, US and Europe.
I've been called many things, some good, some not so good, but the BEST thing I've ever been called is "Dad".

Art is a vocation, and in some ways, so is a military life, thus, I have melded the two together and am privileged to be a combat artist with the USAF. I've walked through the minefields of Afghanistan, have taken in-coming rounds (missed me!) and have been boots on the ground in Biloxi 2 days after Katrina - I document with my art what I witness, DONATE the art to the USAF & am paid as an 0-6 TDY per deim. I am a freelance illustrator, specializing in military subjects and have a line of limited edition prints as well as a line of men's shirts with my art from OEF in many of the BX/PX around the world - I'm tired thinking about this.

I have a BFA in industrial design ('83) was 9 years in the Army National Guard (81E40 illustrator) was the Dir. Of Design of a $60m design firm - and NOW... drive a Honda minivan around, picking up a 1st,5th and Frosh, cutting 1 acre of lawn, and have a Honey-Do list as long as my arm. I'm 52 with a 7 yr old girl. I started mini painting after a 40 yr hiatus, and "if" I get any free time, I paint mainly US military subjects - ACW - present. Going on active duty is a quiet relief from it all! ;)

To honor those that serve through art.
I'm a mechanical engineer for an Industrial distribution company in NYC. By night I am a Hockey goalie who had a brief stint in the Buffalo Sabre orginization in the late 80's and still continue to play and and coach in local beer leagues. I am also a big New York Ranger fan and I have a love affair with muscle cars (preferably anything Shelby) and currently own a 2010 GT500 gettin close to about 700 horsies! My other interests are my 3 daughters all being involved in soccer/softball and large urban WWII dioramas. Stand alone figures for me are really to just bide time between dioramas and satisfy commissions for clients but occasionally I'll see something I wanna complete for my own interest. Oh, I also love loud thrashing HEAVY METAL!!!!
I went straight into the USA Air Force officers school to be a pilot right after High School. Hurt my back; got discharged, came back home and have been in professional sales for the past 5 years. From art education to mortgage real estate, to door to door cable services; you name it, I've sold it! Currently I am working as an electrician for a Sign company. I drive a big crane all around Dallas TX and climb into highway signs and fix em! I just decided to go back to college to get into a career I can enjoy for the rest of my life so I am currently an adult student studying character modelling in the Visual Effects industry. I want to translate my love for figures and really anything organic into a viable career.

I have been building models since I could hold a knife and got into 1/35 WWII figures as a young teenager. I have sculpted little things since then too. I took off all personal artwork when I went to the air force and just got back into it all last year. I've started a few sculpture which I have yet to finish and now have a small but decent grey army of figures to work from. Spreading my time to my hobbies and school is hard but I am trying to get into the painting commissions business so I don't have to deal with the TX heat and so I have time to take classes online during the summer to help me get to a professional level as fast as I can. That's pretty much it, Im single and live with my little brother in a wonderful house that we turned into a massive workshop. He just graduated college and does 3d modelling for a design firm and makes custom models on the side. It's art heaven here! Ill take pics and post em for ya.

My brothers side of the workshop, He has his own room for computer work.
my current WIP table
Photo box and sculpting armature stuff
my computer desk
My side of the working room
Really interesting thread, great read!(y)

Working in financial services/accounting in Budapest, no wonder I need a proper hobby! :cautious:
Started modeling 20yrs ago and it's been major since, even living 8 yrs abroad in 3 different countries. Beginning with seeing Iraq-Iran conflict coverages as a kid, I was hooked on to modern military history. I do stand alone figures for 6-7yrs, since then almost daily check out what's new in the hobby.
I'm particularly into camo painting, recently got interested WW2, and local, less-known or less famous conflicts. One day again would like to do (more to learn) AFV's, aircraft, sport subjects, strictly with figures! Too little time for all the plans... if so, I collect older issue modern figures and enjoy to see all kind of modeling over the net or at the local Moson show, where I was lucky enough to meet very good and talented friends from pF / EU side! ;)

Another big love is sport, soccer, playing a very minor league :X3: for 10yrs, nowadays only play recreationally, it evolved to rather watching it with a few beers, besides soccer I'm a big fan of Czech ice hockey, particularly Pardubice (now in a tied series for the final, mistri!!!:ROFLMAO: ), and NFL +nature and bird watching, frineds and art movies.

I am an unemployed/underemployed academic (archivist by training), largely at this stage of my life, I am my wife's caregiver. In my sparetime, however I am working on my first(only?) book. My other interests (outside of figure painting) include historical/geneaological research, reading, cooking, basketball and soccer (watching not playing-big LA Lakers fan),traveling.
Thanks guys! Not too many guys earn the enemy marksmanship badge!! THough I wouldnt change it for anything. Made some of the best friends I could ever have and even though I havent spoken to them in years I could call them for anything and they would be there. THats the bond formed in combat and from being in the military. For those here who have served they know exactly what I am talking about!
Worked 41 years for a well known French Tyre Manufacturer, had a great career for a guy with a very basic education (left school at 16),
worked in the commercial side of the organisation and during my career drove and was driven on a number of racing circuits, awesome what pro drivers can do with a car...when I see the lads racing from traffic lights..it makes me laugh...what do they know;) During my career I visited 10 countries and will always be grateful to a company who gave a bum a chance of a career. For 15 years before I retired I also had an antique business specialising in Japanese Antiques. I retired at 60 almost 5 years ago and returned to figure painting as something to do after a 15 year gap. Sold up the Antiques and use the money to follow my passion for this hobby. Have made many friends around the world and in the UK and am grateful to the hobby for giving me a meaningful retirement. I also count myself fortunate to be a member of a very lucky generation.

Left school at 15yrs old and worked in many different jobs until i enlisted in the Royal Australian Air Force as a dog trainer/handler.Came back to Scotland after 9 years and have been in the security industry which i've now retired from at the grand old age of 65.Been married for 46 years,have 3 kids and 7 grandchildren.
Have all the freetime in the world now so i paint a bit and read a bit (non-fiction) but as i retired only 3 months ago i.ve still not got used to the fact that i can basically do anything i want ( within reason) with my time.
Painting figures has been a passion for me and i couldn't see me not doing it.Painting faces is my big turn on.
Keep Scotland British.
Ok heres me. English but now retired to the Dominican Republic after serving 28 years in Her Majesties Prison Service. Started as an officer, served seven years as a catering officer and then became a governor grade. Finished my time leading a team of staff carrying out mainly security audits of prisons. I was lucky that I joined when there was a good pension scheme that allowed me to retire at 55. Prior to that I had many jobs including the Post Office telegrams service, Housing manager for the Peabody Trust, porcelain painter for the great Michael Sutty and shop manager at Beatties of London in High Holborn. Thats when I did most of my commission work as I did all of their display work. Havn't picked up a paintbrush seriously for at least 25 years, maybe longer, due to work and several wives. Just recently started again and relearning with modern paints and resin figures. Everything was metal in my day and we were all experimenting with Pelikan Placa paint. I still have night mares of doing Taisho for a commission in oils.
i am a student. went to primary school, them middle and now in year 11 (senior school). i HATE aussie rules football even though i am aussie, but love to watch NFL or college (cowboys fan). yet to find a job

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