What figure in your grey army scares you?


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For me it's of all things Andreas' old John de Creke. It's the face it's so bl:mad::mad:dy small with a huge moustache. I've stripped it umteen times, it doesn't scare me so much as frustrate me.
The only thing that scares me is my wife and daughter infact pretty much all women.
In my case it is an every mounted figure. Painting horses scares the hell out of me. Anyway my next project will be limited The Lionheart from Pegaso Models.
This Spealial Ops model 1/9 scale full figure SEAL because it's so large and I just started to move up to the larger scale figures so much detail.
Personnaly, I'm a bit afraid of painting too well sculpted figure ... It is stupid but I always said "I will do it later when I will be better". But in thingin like that I never paint those figures ! The best example is a Young bust of the german WWI army. I 've bought it to paint it immediatly ... and it was when young released it ! And it is still waiting.

For me it´s the big Bengal Mounted Lancer from Airfix. Not only a huge area to paint, but a lot of conversion work to do.
He´s still waiting in his big box for several years.

Great question and for me it comes down to two which are both Pegaso 90mm mounteds. How on earth do mere mortals with a paintbrush such as I even start to do justice to two pieces like these? One day however, I SHALL take that leap of faith! Gary
I'd love to paint this. But after Ray Farrugia's rendition of the tartan I won't bother. Still a lovely figure.

Bought it, opened it and closing it quickly. Never am I going to paint this one. It was not the tartan that scared me, but all the small pieces of the bagpipe. I gave this figure as a present to my friend Fernando Ruiz.

The one I now fear most is this one:

Same thing with the bagpipe. Lots and lots of small white metal bits and pieces.

(Fun topic by the way)

I try not to be intimidated by any piece as i like a challenge,however in saying that i'm always nervous when i start something new as i want to do the best i can and i hate the fear of failure,i'm with Ron on this one,every piece scares e a little.(y)

I have the standing version of Taisho Samurai, the Ray Lamb classic for years now and hav'nt the courage to tackle it. To make things worse I snapped up a Hincliffe/Caldercraft Mounted Taisho recently and well, I have 15 years until I retire and I will probably get around to it then:)
Like Damien, the Hinchliffe Samurai. Bought one recently through ebay. I really have no excuse because I painted this one over 30 years ago for Hinchliffe Models.

I'm not sure that "scared" is the right word. I'm not scared by figure models, but I will admit to being daunted by some figures, particularly ones involving tartan or involving very fiddly bits and pieces that require delicate handling.

I'd rather have a go at a figure and make a hash of it, than let it sit in its box forever because I'm too chicken. The worst that can happen is you have to fix a few things and start again.
Ever since I discovered that PineSol strips off acrylics I am not really that intimidated by figure painting as long as I acknowledge that if I am going to paint it it will require more than one go at it. I did have one figure in my grey army that did intimidate me and that was an OOP Seil 90mm Samurai; sold that puppy off right quick (and bought two less intimidating figures ;) ) What does intimidate me when t comes to figure painting are figures not in uniforms as I have trouble thinking outside the box and coming up with a color scheme. I have just such a figure on my WB right now, Pegaso's William Tell
I believe I may have the top trump... for some insane reason I bought the Pegaso 54mm Le Toison d'Or Philippe III le Bon what made me think that I had any hope of painting?

also never let your wife choose your next figure see above


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