I am still plodding on with Milliput but its quality seems all over the place.When its perfect I can zip through a master but often its just not up to snuff .the colour varies like crazy.They say it is the same as its always been but I have some 30 year old mastesr that are a completely different colour when finished to modern ones .Magic Sculpt seems good but while one lot was great ,the next two were hard and crumbly .I get on with that green putty and its very quick to work with but not sure it will withstand a hot mould .It softens up a bit when reheated .Even A+B now is hard and gritty and not so smooth .It used to be much smoother to work with .Most of my masters are very small ,about 20 mm for model railways so it has to stay on a thin wire frame.i also tend to wet sculpt a lot with a brush .I paint my figures in a sense . .
Any suggestions or comments out there? .Judging by the superb work on this thread I am amongst masters indeed.
Any suggestions or comments out there? .Judging by the superb work on this thread I am amongst masters indeed.