Where I paint


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A Fixture
Sep 27, 2003
Hi Guys

My wife has had a few friend round today for a visit, and theer I was in my cubby hall painting, as you all know the figures do provide a talking point when spotted at your houses etc.

But........where is your bit of space ?, mine is tucked away under the stairs, a spot agreed with her indoors. This came about because I bet my wife that some painters like me will be under the stairs or cubby holes. So guys lets see where are you on cold winters nights.

Provided pics below

Here's mine, It's cunningly disguised as a dining room table at the moment ;)

(P.S. Ignore the carpet, it's a rented house & that hideous pattern is in every room down stairs - no wonder I get frequent bouts of nausea!)
Hi Robin
And I thought my area was small.

I live/work on my figures in a storage room just off the kitchen, which I
share with the ironing board and the vacuum cleaner.

Having seen your work space I shall never complain again

Frank (y)
I clean up/assemble my figures at a bureau down in the living room. For painting I have a hobbyroom which I only use to paint. It's quit messy inthere as I won't find anything if I had to work in a "orderly" enviroment".


Originally posted by gforceman@Dec 28 2003, 03:54 PM
I won't find anything if I had to work in a "orderly" enviroment".

My area is at one end of the bedroom. I'm very fortunate to have an understanding wife

Probably the best Hobby room in the world?

Its a shame that doesnt make you paint or build the best models in the very same world. :(

Its 380cm X 360cm. Thats centimeters for you figureteers on the other side of the pond. This very summer weve moved thus allowing me to have my hobbyroom upgraded from the closet where it was located in the old apartment. It isnt finnished yet but I will have separate stations for building, painting, photographing and airbrushing. This room also will swallow my reference library, the finnished models as well as my computer and unfinnished models. (y)

It will be finnished before midsummer depending on the investment. I will have to put in some more cash at the hardwarestore before finnishing. Im gonna make a spraybooth from a kitchen fan for example.

On the other hand I know that many of the best models are being made on the livingroom table in front of the tely or similar. But I like space and organised.

I will post some photos once its finnished.
This is really creepy, Robin, because I woke up this morning with the idea of posting pics of my work area, and asking others to post pics of theirs . Unfortunately, the wife decided we were driving 2 hours to Houston to look for a new sofa. Five hours and a strikeout later, here are pics of my workspace(by the way, Cindy says we all think alike. Try to explain to her the difference between samurai, Napoleon, WWI, WWII, Romans, etc.).

We live in The Middle of Nowhere in a two bedroom farmhouse. Since we have no children, the second BR has be come my workshop. Here is the shop looking south into the doorway:


Looking east:


View through the south window:


Looking west:


Looking northwest:


And finally, me practicing kanji script at the drawing table:


It's great to have a place that I can do whatever work I want to do, and it's great to have a mate who is OK with this (of course, she has a seperate shop building, 2 greenhouses, and numerous planting beds for her nursery!)

I kinda like this 'You show me yours, I'll show you mine' thread.

Here's my 'office'. It's NOT usually in such a 'civilized' and orderly state. We just cleaned it up for the New Year!

HI Guys, You wont mind if i print off the photos so that i can show my wife how hard done by i am with my under the stairs closet,hopefully she may allow me to take over the spare room and relegate the mother-in-laws visits to the understairs spot.
mike,looks like you have enough space to hold a convention in !!!.

Please, please tell em you tidied up first before you took them shots, if not I have a serious untidy problem.


Hey guys,

Organized chaos seems to be about normal but I'm jealous! Even the spot under the stairs looks good to me. I live in a house with no basement, no spare rooms, one wife & 4 kids. My work area is half the kitchen table (no photo, if you've seen one kitchen table, you've seen 'em all). I paint from Labor Day til Easter but clear the table for Christmas season. Here in good 'ol NW Indiana, warm weather doesn't last too long so I hate to spend the warm months indoors painting. During that time, I replenish supplies, assemble &or prime figures, & work on bases. I'm sure that not painting for 4-5 months every year is the main reason I'm not progressing as quickly as I'd like. The current plan is to hit the lottery, quit work, buy a big house, & paint til I croak. I'll let you know how that turns out.

Happy new year to all,

G'mornin Mike,
I think all of us have that dream. I started out years ago in a 3X3 closet and worked my way out. Once the kids were grown I was able to branch out and now my wife has the spare bedroom as her office and I have the den. What you see is an accumulation of years in the hobby. and is pretty much the way it looks all the time.
here is the area in front of the desk with a couch and our dining room area at the opposite side of the room.......overall a large room with alot od space.
this is a shameful workspace, but i will introduce my workroom in my home.
maybe, this is a sample of surrounding for modelling in korea, or east asia...

hi... this is my workspace in my home. in this korea, many peoples live in a apartment. as responsing my ages, 31 , this is a good for me.

fortunately, i pictured my workroom tonight for showing my local forum.


this is my sculpturing table.


this is currently progressing model. this figure is based Diorama Studio's "The Mounted Generalissimo of Chosun". this original work sculpted by Serang Kim, editor of NEO magazine, written by korean. this figure was highly commented in EURO 2002.


this picture is my painting booth.


my paint box

In this korea, this is a sample workarea of normal artist.
but, some people, example, YBSong, has a workspace for special work in a outside of home.

thank you for reading

Cindy has me painting a couple rooms in the house, and I had to use my big work table to paint some shelves and replace some window screening (funny how "paint the living room" is wife-speak for "remodel the living and dining rooms and get a new sofa" :lol: ), so I had to clear the decks so to speak. I confess to being a bit of a neat freak, but when I'm busy on a project, my shop can be quite a wreck :eek: .


Could that possibly be a bust of Saburo Sakai to the right on the shelf in your second pic? If so, will he be released, and when?


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