Which Nazi/German leaders/Commanders have been made and who hasn't.


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Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2008
Which of the nazi leaders have been made by the manufacturers and which hasnt? By which companies, what materials and in what scales?
I know Hitler Has been made in 1/72 by Atlantic and Pegasus:
http://www.plasticsoldierreview.com/Review.aspx?id=635 http://www.plasticsoldierreview.com/Review.aspx?id=822

Odemars have made the following military commanders in 1/72 scale * Generalmajor Heinz Guderain, tank commander
* Generalfeldmarschall Gerd von Runstedt
* Generaloberst Eduard Dietl, mountain troops (Also unofficially in Airfix German mountain troops)
* Oberstleutnant Adolf Galland, Air Force
* Generalfeldmarschall Erwin Rommel, Afrikakorps (Also unofficially in Airfix Africa corps, first set)
* Generalfeldmarschall Wilhelm List, uniformed for Mediterranean theatre
* Generaloberst Walter Model
* General der Infanterie Erich von Manstein
* Generaloberst Ewald von Kleist, dressed for the Russian front
* Generalfeldmarschall Ferdinand Schorner
* SS-Obergruppenfuhrer Paul Hausser, SS tank commander
* Generalleutnant Eugen Meindl, paratroop commander
* SS-Obergruppenfuhrer 'Sepp' Dietrich, SS tank commander
* Generaloberst Gotthard Heinrici
Is it Roco who made a German leaders set with Hitler, Göring and a few other in 1/87?
I can remember seeing Hitler portrayed in several larger scales as well.
Who else do you know about?
In planetFigures' apolitical environment:
This thread is an information request, not a thread for political discussion nor a podium to espouse dislike of anything third reich any posts doing so will be removed without warning.
Amon Goeth bust of el Viecho
Erich Hartmann bust Verlinden
Werner Mölders bust verlinden
lots of german pilots like Wick ect in the Ulrich Puchala Line
Hermann Göring verlinden 120mm
Joachim Peiper verlinden bust
Otto Skorzeney verlinden bust
Panzer Meyer Stormtrooper and dragon
Josef Diefenthal dragon DML
Fritz Witt colonel of the SS as part of an dragon box
Erwin Rommel verlinden bust tamiya 54mm-as 120mm
Hermann Fegelein not know at moment the manufacturer
Udet -as bust but was LUFTFELDZEUGMEISTER in ww2
Ulrich Rudel verlinden bust
and surely some ind the 1:6 dragon action line
Hi Hobbyinovator (as you haven't signed off with your real name, I'll have to call you that).

An interesting question, but you haven't explained why you're asking?

It's nearly as pointless as Gordy's off topic posts! (ha ha, only joking Gordy...

......or am I?)

Actually it started with me looking for any figure portraying Reinhard Heidrich, since I have been playing with the thought of making a diorama of his assassination. I couldn't find any fig and was planning to ask here, but I came to the idea of why not making this a kind of list thread of what third reich figures that are out there. To help other modelers with plans for portraying Third Reich leaders.
Manufacturers have indeed missed one. Hope someone finally releases a figure of Jurgen Stroop in 1944. Can't wait to begin a diorama of the liquidation of the Warsaw Ghetto.
interestingly enough..

I ahven't seen a himmler yet. I guess that one would get the sculptor shot immediately... shame.....

sorry i don't have much more to help out here with.
Usually manufacturers don't name 3rd reich leaders, making it more difficult to id these kits.

A Hitler/Goering/Rohm set in 1/35 http://www.planetfigure.com/forums/showthread.php?t=31844

In 1/35 Hitler has been also depicted by Jaguar shaking hand with HJ kid http://www.jaguarmodels.com/ppics/ja63100.jpg, as I think by Verlinden, titled as 'Party leader' (couldn't find it online).

In 90mm Andrea has a Third Reich series http://www.andrea-miniatures.com/market/AspsProductos/listado.asp?IdColeccion=128, Hitler x2, Goering and Heydrich (probably the nicest sculpts regarding this topic). I see Heydrich was already posted by Carl.

Hobbyinovator, if you are interested in some info regarding the assasination, let me know, I have photos of his Mercedes, untouched since, and the scene



  • Heydrich.jpg
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Billy Turnip: What? You mean it's out-of-line for me to even mention creating such a compelling diorama? What's 'political' in my interest in such an historic SS event? It's history, so it should be ok to recreate it in miniature, right?
*sigh* why do people who don't like the subject open the thread in the first place?

The depiction of WWII German infantry, navy or air force officers and enlisted men can be considered as no different from the depiction of their leaders, and they don't usually elicit the same kind of comments (usually rightly so IMO) so let's put the politics on hold can we?

Ok, Ok, Ok. I won't do the diorama of the Warsaw ghetto population being wiped out by the Waffen SS. I decided instead to do a smaller vignette of Stroop getting his neck reduced to a size 4 after the Nuremberg Trials.
khorgor said:
arrg come on guys. lets not get this thread locked.
A little judicious editing of a few posts and responses to them (including my one above) and problem solved.

And now for something related, and completely different......

Oskar Schindler, true, a civilian, but still, famous and a member of the party.


And if you are after a another in a similar vein, John Rabe.


True they are both civilians, and don't wear the snazzy uniforms of the military, I would happily display those two next to a bust of Ghandi, not because of their affiliation, just because their stories are so interesting.

(I don't expect them to be kitted out, due to market forces.....that's my reality check, right there.)

my two bobs worth,

I used to paint SS bands for a toy soldier company here in Whitby, they had an Adolf Hitler and a Herman Goering with his little Baton! We got to paint him in several pastel shades ;)

Ah, lead soldiers eh, the start of our hobby ;)

And now for something related, and completely different......

Oskar Schindler, true, a civilian, but still, famous and a member of the party.


And if you are after a another in a similar vein, John Rabe.


True they are both civilians, and don't wear the snazzy uniforms of the military, I would happily display those two next to a bust of Ghandi, not because of their affiliation, just because their stories are so interesting.

(I don't expect them to be kitted out, due to market forces.....that's my reality check, right there.)

my two bobs worth,


I have got to say both gentleman would be worthwhile figures. You have got me thinking, and I own a figure company.

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