Winding up 1879 Miniatures


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A Fixture
Jan 12, 2011
British West Hartlepool
Dear friends & fellow modeller’s,
I have decided after recent events on future projects being incorrect, delayed, pushed back and other outside influences again not in my control, to wind up 1879 Miniatures as my enthusiasm for producing has gone.
When things are outside of your control it can have a big impact on your passion and hobby. I used to do this for relaxation and enjoyment not for additional hassle; work and life give enough of that. I will therefore in time revert back to what I was doing originally, producing unique one off pieces for myself. That way I am in control and hopefully I can restore my enthusiasm for a period I have always loved and always will.
I would most sincerely like to thank everyone who has supported me over many years with help, advice, encouragement and purchases, you really helped make the difference. You sharing your work on one of my pieces, the biggest accolade one could get.
Anyone who had seen one of my talks on Zulu war modelling would see firsthand the affection I had for this wonderful historical period. That will never go away unlike my products.
I have cancelled all future projects including stuff I was personally working on (that will be turned into personal unique pieces)
I will not cast anything for resale that isn’t already cast and once my stock is exhausted it’s gone.
What a shame Richie but you have to make a decision based upon what is best for you and it is reassuring that your passion for the subject remains. This was always evident when attending several of your talks over the years on the subject of the Zulu War.

I'm glad I have some of your pieces in my GA and I wish you all the best for the future mate.
Sorry to hear this Richie, hope you get back into enjoying the hobby.
Its been a pleasure following your threads.

After seeing you on Saturday Richie I'm surprised by this announcement mate.

I'm sure you will have thought long and hard about this decision and clearly if the frustration and uncertainty which go with running a business cease to make it enjoyable then it's time to take a pause.

Good to see that the passion for the subject and modelling in general is not diminished. Look to see you at White Rose in the near future Richie.

Damn it. Just when I was hoping for the 'vikings'.
The important thing is that you are in a positive place mate.
Cheers and take care
Hi Richie

A hard decision for sure but you have your reasons , your knowledge and respect for the period is renowned in our hobby

Look forward to seeing the personal pieces when your ready

Hi Richie

Always hard to see a company stopping but you have obviously thought long and hard about this

Thank you for all the contributions to PF , hope we will still see you here when your ready with your personal pieces

Wishing you all the best for the future

Shame Richie, but you need to do what's best for you, mate. You have a great range, sad to see it go.
Ditto, I was so pleased to complete the range of Mike French Zulu figures, and add a few of your own creations to my stash, all thanks to your efforts...
Wish you all the best, and I hope you get your mojo back..

Sad news Richie, chin up mate.
Hope things work out for you and looking forward to seeing some of your personal stuff.
As said above, always a great shame to see a company stop trading, especially when it was such a passion and a labour of love.

But you’ve got to do what’s right for you mate, so totally respect your decision. Besides which, there will be plenty of your pieces currently residing in stashes (my own included) so I’m sure we’ll still be seeing them continuing to grace cabinets and show tables for a long time to come.

- Steve
Very sad news to hear mate, you have achieved a lot with 1879 over the years and it has been great to see you grow with your range of figures. I can fully understand how you are feeling about loosing the passion and getting back to just doing it for fun.
All the best mate
Hi Richies,
I know this is a hard decision for you, but I can see it from both sides, and I wish you all the best in just enjoying the hobby.
Look forward to catching up with you at a show or White Rose soon.

Wow I truly hate to hear this. You gave so much to the figure hobby with your wonderful pieces and as a fan of the Zulu wars and such I will greatly miss your work and pieces. I hope life turns around and smiles on you in the near future I hope things get better. Again sorry to hear this and see you go. Kindest Regards, Brock
Hi All,
Thank you for the kind sentiments, I am not going away entirely I just need to get my head straight.
It is you modellers unfortunately who will miss out as I will go back to doing unique pieces for me.

We ALL look forward to seeing you back when yr ready with the unique pieces

Best wishes

Obviously, I'm sorry to hear this. I fully support you. I am sure this was not a knee-jerk reaction and has been carefully considered. If it's becoming a burden, it's time to pack in. You won't go away - your enthusiasm won't let you. Do yourself a favour and re-charge the batteries. Keep us all posted in what you create. It's too important for us to lose. (y)
Very sad to hear this Richie. You have created some wonderful models, and made a great contribution to the hobby. Always generous with your assistance. Every best wish for the future.