Youngs Roman officer finished.


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Fantastic work on both figures Hardy!!! As far as the imitation of different materials through painting, I think the world still has a lot to learn from you...

Dolfins do have blowholes, but I have no idea if they create visible spray wit it... But maybe some ancient reliëfs or paintings show spray anyway, which would be sufficiënt justification!

Best wishes, and looking forward to studying them up-close at euro!

yep, Lester kindly invited me and the timing is good for me, so I'll come over to rainy England (not that we have such great weather now...)! Will you be there too?

I'm already looking forward to it! But first our own show, Euro and Saint Vincent...

excellent work as always. I tried you technique for painting whites, white undercoat and covered in sepia the white added...not much luck :( you mention in some of your articles that you thin the sepia with what? and what consistency?