WIP Critique Historex Naples Line Artillery (7th Regt.)


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Feb 2, 2023
United States
Building from spare parts.

Basic work has commenced. Will update periodically.

Comments/criticisms welcome.

Brilliant, sit still too long and the figures multiply!!

Cheers Simon

Exactly. It’s also a great use of that particular Historex/Nemrod heads set. :)

I think calling it a vignette may be a stretch though. I don’t have a story to tell amongst the figures (though they will interact)… it will probably be more of an Osprey plate. lol

But, I have hours of cleaning, carving, and detailing ahead, so I may yet come up with something. :)
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Exactly. It’s also a great use of that particular Historex/Nemrod headset. :)

I think calling it a vignette may be a stretch though. I don’t have a story to tell amongst the figures (though they will interact)… it will probably be more of an Osprey plate. lol

But, I have hours of cleaning, carving, and detailing ahead, so I may yet come up with something. :)
Ha yes that's how most of mine progress, very little planning just let it evolve.

Cheers Simon
I have made the most progress on the line infantry officer. The grenadier officer and artillartilleryman aren’t far along enough to show as yet.

I used a set of British legs in pants. I filled the split at the ankle with Aves to make full trousers. I’ve also added inseam and outer-seam details.
After widening the stance a bit, I cut a slice from the top so that the pants will be in the correct proportion with the toso.

On the torso, I removed the vest details. I will extend the pants up and to the jacket. Without taking a slice from the top of the legs, the pants appeared too high waisted in the front. I removed the raised seams and scribed them in instead.

I sculpted the open collar for the head. I’ve test fit the shako to the head, and I see I will need to add additional hair.

The arms are from the standing Napoleon. I removed the details and substantially reduced the diameter. Looking at the photos, I think I will reduce them further in certain areas. I do want to maintain a certain look of a uniform that is slightly too big. I plan to reduce the shoulders once the arms are permanently attached. I reduced the thickness and detailed the hands.

No matter how I try, I cannot get coattails to fit properly, so I will be trying (for the first time) to sculpt them.

Thanks for looking

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Thanks everyone. Have tweaked the stance to walking, and I am carving and sculpting a new torso. I decided I want him in motion.
Sorry I shouldn't laugh but that is priceless and one of the great things about Historex. You wouldn't get a make over like that with an expensive white metal kit. Looking forward to seeing Naples Line Artillery 2.0.

Cheers Simon
Nah. Laugh. It’s okay. I laugh at myself quite a bit. :)
It's always healthy to laugh at one's self, but what you described is I would guess what happens at the start if a good percentage of Historex builds. Certainly true of mine but I think it is a good thing as we let the muse dictate what happens rather than rigid planning. Long live creativity!

Cheers Simon
AS Simon states, one of the joys of Historex is that even an almost completed model can still be given that last minute tweak that turns it from a good model to a great model.
