WIP 1/16 "Tiger In Wait" 321 .SS.Pz.Abt.101 Normandy 1944


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This is so entertaining Dave. Stunning progress mate. Keep it coming. Love the tool handles.



Thank you Ron, I appreciate your interest and I hope you are getting something from it (even if it is just a history lesson!)

I have done the weld lines on the lower hull and cupola this afternoon using magicsculpt, I'll let it go off and post up some pics later.

Good progress Dave, I can see now why this is going to be a big job with modifying the Tiger, building the basework and doing the figures.

Hope to see you at figureworld mate

Good progress Dave, I can see now why this is going to be a big job with modifying the Tiger, building the basework and doing the figures.

Hope to see you at figureworld mate


Thanks Steve, I'll be there.

What time are you guys meeting?
A good weekend of work!

I have posted a pic of the quite frankly awful wheels that came with the Tank, they are cheap, have the wrong tyre size, and lack any sort of detail................so they had to go and I have ordered these as a replacement set:-


They are exspensive but superb and what is the point in skipping things when you are going to all this trouble to get it right.

Total Cost so far is around £250 and I have very little to add so a decent saving on the Tamiya efforts.

I have completed the weld lines on the lower hull and done most of the cupola (not yet fixed)

To sum up where I am at I have posted a pic with every amendment on.

Tomorrow I will put the wels lines on the turret and then it definately is Zimmerit time!!!


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£72, I don't pay that for my car's tyres.;) Chippy, Steve and Ken will be there early as they're all on a stall. Oh, and I'll be bringing their brews.
So we'll see you there, hope your bringing this with you?
Dave, it is far more than a history lesson mate. This is bloody good fun. Love your work and look forward to each update. How did you do the welds as that has always bugged me.


Hi Dave,
Coming along nicely. Do you have a specific pic of that particular tank with the big shovel on the glacis plate? Looking at the lists of changes done to the Tiger over its life, it looks like the shovel was removed in October 1942. I know I have seen some pics of mid productions still having the shovel, but it wasn't a standard fitting any longer as it was on the early production machines.
You could have saved some work on the weld bead on the hull sides, you will likely want to removed it to more easily apply a uniform coat of zimmerit which covers it anyhow.Good practice, though. If I might make one suggestion. Watch out that your weld beads don't become too sharply defined, the real ones are kind of blobby and rounded. Here is a pic of the turret lifting lug on a Tiger I showing what I mean

When I did mine,when the putty hardened I took some steel wool over them to round them off a bit. One thing I have used with some success to make welds is Elmers white glue. I used it on a 1/15 T-34 turret (old resin Frontline Miniatures kit, horrible!) to replicate all the welds and casting marks, and 15 years later, they are still there, never peeled off or anything, and they have the melted look instead of the texture putty ridges. I wouldn't worry about replicating any welds on the turret sides, they will be covered with zimmerit as well.
Dave, it is far more than a history lesson mate. This is bloody good fun. Love your work and look forward to each update. How did you do the welds as that has always bugged me.



Hi Ron

The weld lines are done by applying a decent putty (in this case magicsculpt) and then (using an ear bud cut off at an angle at one end) and lightly jabbing in a downward and forward motion.

It's not that difficult but worth a bit of practice if you feel its too much of a risk to go straight in to it. The good thing is that you can always remove it while it is still wet if you are not happy with the results.

@ Jason

I realise that small bead will be covered with Zimmerit but just sort of filled the whole line across the lower hull and got on with it.

The intention was always to give it slight sanding once dry, although looking at different Tigers they all have slightly different welding.

The pics I have for the 321 show the clips for the shovel at the front but do not have a shovel on it. I may yet still add this as a matter of interest, there is no conclusive proof that this particular Tank did or did not have one present during service.

It's another good spot though Jason, however the clips are there, I suppose it's now down to me if I go with it or not.

Just a little update:-

Pics show the method to add decent weld lines. I have also had a practice with Magicsculpt for the Zimmerit and it looks pretty good.

The welld lines will be smoothed out a fraction as per previous tip by Jay.

Also added the fixings to the Jack box using small beads of epoxy resin:-


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Some more goodies arrived today, which allow me to add all the appropriate amendments to the finish line now, so no more buying on the Tank.

The Wheels have superb detail, the tyres are removeable (easy to paint) and they even have the continental lettering on the side.

Other items include, ball mount & MG, exhaust vent, drivers hatch, metal shackle set, small cable eyelets, metal sprocket wheels & x2 C Hooks.


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Ok so added the ball mount and test fitted the MG. Also positioned the vent on the front and added the hatch.

In adding the nicely cast hatch I noticed it was a slightly different size to the moulded effort on the left as you look. I have decided to keep both hatches shut but will need to remove the moulded hatch and replace with the flatter cast effort which are superior.

I also attach a pic of the comparison between the metal sprocket wheels and the plastic ones.

The fire exstiguisher and mg mount for the cupola, need a re-work as they are both lacking detail.

I am bit limited until the weekend as I need a solid run to get the zimmerit done and due to work commitments I am unable to dedicate a lot of time until some time off.


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Some more updates.

I have nearly finished the MG mount, just a bit of tidying up to do.

I have shown a little SBS and a final comparison to the original that came with the cast cupola.

This has taken around 6 hours start to finish but pretty pleased with the level of detail:-


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Jay, Ski & Pedro

Thanks for your comments.

Jay, that ammo holder is a nice touch so will have a crack at getting that added to the piece.

I have a full day today to get stuck in to the zim so will post up later. Once this is done it's the hugely time consuming handmade catches, fixings, clasps & clamps.

Still got to re-work the Jack, add detail to the cupola, not to mention sort the wheels and tracks.

A lot to do before it see's one drop of primer lol.


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