Had a go at this today as well, still very early days. The trousers still need their camo pattern. Added some more highlights and grass to the groundwork, as advised on my earlier post.
Gary it's an OOP figure by Morris Correy. I got it off Steve at http://www.skminiatures.co.uk/ It's not listed on his site, but I think he has some left. Drop him a line.
Thanks for taking the time to comment,
He really looks the business! Like the weary face. Did you change the weapon on him, because I'm sure the original figure has a Mk.V Sten?
Glorious Glosters have always been one of my favourite inf.regts. for obvious reasons, only one with 2 cap badges, US Presidential Citation, Alexandria 1801 & the Epic of the Imjin River - did you know only 38 of 600 all ranks of 1 Glosters withdrew from Gloster Hill? A single section from the Glosters forced back an entire Chinese regiment. It was really disappointing when the Glosters were amalgamated first with the DERRs, & then became Rifles.........but I believe 4 Rifles preserves the Gloster traditions including the back badge, so not all lost.
A fitting tribute to a superb Regiment, arguably one of the most famous in the British Army.
Didnt realise you had this one on the go mate, must have missed any previous post. Really like your painting of this one and your groundwork looks exellent, cammo looks especially good on that smock mate and look forward to seeing the final result which im sure wont be long
Thank you all for the comments. Yes Chris he did have a STEN, I decided to change it for SMLE. East conversion has he's wearing mittens.
Thanks again,