54mm Airfix white army


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A Fixture
Dec 11, 2007
Most of us have over the years squirrelled away a significant grey army, but when starting out, Airfix 54mm gave many of us an intro into Napoleonic figures, Historex being kept for Christmas and birthdays. I still have a limited white plastic army. The Airfix figure range was smaller, the figures were somewhat simpler, but they were posed and the horses were bulkier. The Historex range was far greater, the poses more wooden, unless you were one of the master modellers of the time, and the horses were somewhat thin.

I have no idea why Airfix chose the static Bengal Lancer as the 54mm figure to enlarge to 150mm, especially when the showjumper (Princess Anne) was so animated. I would have liked the following, 54mm Lifeguard as well as the other mounted figures, the Rifleman and French Line Infantry in the larger scales as well. Anyway, here's my Lifeguard, a 54mm change from my preferred larger scales:

All views.jpg

Happy modelling,

Nicely done.

Personally, I think the best Airfix mounted kit is the British 10th Hussar.

I have lots of the Airfix horses to use in future Historex mounted projects. I also have loads of the legs and arms from the mounted range as well as from the Multi-pose line of figures.

I have toyed with them, and some great results can be had by using Airfix mounted leg sets (specifically the campaign pants) and arms with Historex torsos and heads, though the arms/hands usually need to have their thickness/diameter reduced, which is an easy chore. Mixing Historex horse heads with Airfix horse bodies produces a great looking horse.

It’s also nice that all these kits/parts are still readily available.
Hi Mike

Nice to see the Airfix being shown , looks good , many here cut their teeth on these

Is that the original horse , seem to remember the Washington had a similar one

Do share any more you have

Happy benchtime

It's the original horse. My 1/12 (150mm) Princess Anne converted many years ago into a Light Horseman, Beersheba, shows what Airfix could have done with their 54mm mounted figures apart from the Bengal Lancer:

Airfix 1 12 Australian Light Horse 2.jpg
Airfix 1 12 Australian Light Horse 4.jpg

Happy modelling,

Fabulous work Mike .
I always wanted to have a go at converting the show jumper, they very rarely come around nowadays and only for silly money. I'm a big fan of airfix , even though they have been surpassed in detail by the resin and now digital revolutions.
I have quite a substantial white army myself,and I am promising myself a Historex one next. I only ever had one back in the day(too expensive) and I didn't really have the ability to do it justice then...
Keep them coming!
I remember a spinner rack with the 1/72 planes and 54mm figures on bubbles at my local hobby shop. Cheap enough I could always talk my old man into buying me one. The Coldstream Guard and French Grenadier were the first two figures I built. I built a few of those planes too. Great memories here!

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