8th Regt. Cuirassiers Mounted Officer


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Figure Mad

A Fixture
Nov 9, 2004
Hi Guys

Last year, just before my local clubs annual open day, I decided that I would like to build and paint the Elite Miniatures version of the 8th Regt. Cuirassiers Mounted Officer. And decided to purchase it after the open day. After doing the competition and searching around the manufacturers tables for a couple of hours, I came across a Poste Militaire box on my clubs bring and buy stand. Upon looking inside, there it was, one of last castings of the very same figure before Elite bought the moulds from Poste Militaire so I paid my money and took it home.

There it sat in the cupboard (same old story) untill a couple of weeks ago, when I was asked to paint a figure as my clubs raffle prize for the up and coming open day in April 05, so as a bit of club support, I decided to paint this figure for the raffle prize and why not do a SBS on it while I do it... so here is the first installment.

Painting the horse....

As you can see the painting is done in six stages

1. white primer.
2. undercoat in Humbrol 062 medium leather.


3. black lowlights giving the definition of the muscles and dark areas of the horse
4. light black overspray calming the high and lowlights down to a slight tonal change


5. first coat of satin clear over top
6. second coat of satin clear and painting of the tail and mane, then moving onto the sadle area.


your comments, good or bad are always welcome..... :)

Your Horses look beautiful Dave......I like the subtle shading you have achieved.

I had to edit your pics tho , so they would fit into the screen without scrolling. Alot of our dial-up members have problems downloading the page when the pics are oversized.
Looking good there Dave, this is a figure I have always wanted. You really have the knack for horses.

Maybe if I can win the raffle I can strip it down and repaint it :lol:

I'd just like to take this opportunity to thank Dave on behalf of Welling Model Club for his generous gift for our annual figure raffle for this years show which happens on april 9th. I know the work is progressing very well and it will be a great attraction and a fine prize for the lucky winner..superb work so far dave...well done mate.


I did, and the casting is superb, now how he goes together is another thing, got a couple of projects to do then on the bench he goes. Interesting enough I aint gonna paint teh horse as a grey either, but was wondering what the 8th used as mounts, were there horses greys?

Hi Robin

Now that is a good question and it could depend on at what point they were in combat, considering they could have had an injured horse and used another. But having seen this particular kit with a grey, a black and the darker brown colour that I used, I think that they used what was good for them at the time....

Hi All

Just a line to show you the rest f the figure as it comes to the final stages
fisrt up the face painting, after the base colour of Humbrol 062, this is done in eight stages using Velejo acrylics and no mixing just basic flesh colours, reds, browns and black

1. base of 062
2. airbrush medium flesh in a kind of line across the face on the top half
3. light flesh and dark lines around eyes
4. Eyes and shadows under the nose with medium flesh and a wash of dark red
5. more washes of dark red around cheeks and inside of mouth
6. highlights with light flesh and washes of ivory and teeth with ivory
7. final shadows with black and dark red
8. starting to paint the helmet





once this was finished, I concentrated on the figures body and legs and finishing the horse



that's cool stuff Dave..thanks for the update, keep the pictures coming..maybe a bit bigger so we can get a closer look at the face as it takes shape..

can't wait to see him in the flesh..(y)

keep the pictures coming..maybe a bit bigger so we can get a closer look at the face as it takes shape..

thanks dave.....now even my tired eyes can see 'em :lol: :lol:

really though Dave..the face looks absolutely excellent, well done my friend..

Christ Dave, do you ever sleep. Your rate of progress is astounding, especially as the quality is so high :eek:

Terrific piece of work

We need to chat on how you work with acylics, my attempts just don't seem clean enough.


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