The thread title is very misleading.......anti gun control?.....I think Jim Cary's little skit is meant to be pro gun control.
This is the shocking consequence of policies which are anti gun control...........
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Jim Carey is a fucking cocaine addled idiot who beats his women. You people are way too concerned and very ignorant about guns here. Leave us alone please.
You see I believe I am capable of making decisions for myself. I may choose to be armed and I may choose not, but it is my RIGHT to choose.
Fairly ordinary young man? Really?
If you are comfortable in your beliefs fine. I have no desire to change them. I expect the same courtesy from you. Therein lies the salient point.
I am most certainly not inclined to give credence to the opinions of "celebrities" who play make believe for a living.
Am I reading this right ? a fairly ordinary young man ! shoots dead 20 Infants and several teachers .
Fact is he was a depraved middle aged man who should have never been born , more the pity he turned the gun on himself because he would have been torn to pieces if he had lived .
I was referring tot the Dunblane monster Hamilton
Is it really lonely up there on your pedestal ?I see this will turn into the inevitable cat fight.
There are those who accept personal responsibility, and some of the inherent risk associated with freedoms. There are others more comfortable abiding by their sovereign.
I choose the former.