Ron Tamburrini
A Fixture
I partially agree with you,but what a firearm gives you, is distance, and not so much up close and personal like a knife.
Thats why we Scots prefer the Dirk , up close and nasty compared with pansys with guns
I partially agree with you,but what a firearm gives you, is distance, and not so much up close and personal like a knife.
Aye and all Swedes look like this View attachment 220202
But the reality is this now View attachment 220203
The Second Amendment of the United States Constitution reads: "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."
The NRA took this to the Supreme Court to have the preamble disregarded. The founding fathers knew what they were doing in allowing a militia to be armed, it is modern 'influences' that have chosen to misinterpret the Constitution.
Of course, people kill, weapons are but tools. A man with his hands or a hand held rock or bladed weapon might kill one person, but an individual with a modern firearm has the capacity to kill far more. Surely that is the issue, not just the right to bear arms, but the particular arms involved?
........ and the front view ..........
View attachment 220205
There is no point discussing this any further guys.
The people who say it is their constitutional right to bear arms say It's to uphold democracy against a Tyranny.
So whilst everyone knows it's not ok to be a dick, and simple commonsense tells normal folks that mitigating disaster by legislating against it and limiting access to dangerous weaponry; Only people with blinkered views cannot see the's still their right. The fact that they are now in the a democracy reinforces their blinkered opinion using the contrary view of the democratic opinion of the majority as a potential tyranny.
This cannot change without legislation being imposed.
So in the meantime we can only remind people that it's not ok to be a dick knowing a dick can't listen.
I genuinely understand the views of both sides and write these few words knowing there is no justifyable argument against them and also that any reply will be simpley gainsay and rhetorical hot air.
What a sad world were we refuse to learn from the lessons
offered by incidents around us.
I thought that political threads were supposedly 'not allowed' from this forum.
We've had some nasty **** happen in other blatant political threads what's different in this one?
But since it's now OK I'd like to add something that intrigues me about this topic whenever it pops up here.
I find my flabber is absolutely gasted by the fact that figure modellers who predominately model armed military figures which portray every known way to kill a person with every kind of instrument of slaughter in every pose of hacking, impaling and shooting can find the topic of guns and violence alarming. Most figure modelling portrays armed violence or armed people of some kind.
The hobby of traditional figure modelling seems to vindicate or advocate ( can't find the right word) the use of weapons.
I've honestly never been able to 'figure' that one out. nice and don't slaughter anyone...
Just a little note about guns and the Amendment .
As I understand it; it was written when guns were muzzle loaded and a good marksmen might get off 3 or 4 rounds per minute .
Do you think it would still be passed given a hand held assault rifle can fire 3.000 rounds minute and you can buy one over the counter in the US or a twenty MM canon . Things have moved on a bit and we also have police forces today
What will happen when small hand held lasers and nukes become available and somebody gets upset and feels his honour has been infringed when he gets overtaken on the highway
Not knocking your gun laws but it is worth a thought
Well here we are, the usual nationalistic paranoia.
As far as I can see nobody has bashed America, merely commented on the clear and indisputable problem of virtually open access to guns in America. This is fine if it's a nation of balanced people but like every other country it has its share of nut jobs who unlike those in most other countries can legitimately be armed.
Mark as to your point what we model is a place and time in military history and it is not the actions of soldiers being discussed here but rather the actions of demented individuals who have the opportunity to access weaponry way way beyond that deemed necessary for self protection.
Paul your contribution was articulate and well balanced but when someone chooses to be part of the problem rather than the solution what do you expect.
I can't see anywhere in this thread where anyone has said that Americans shouldn't have their guns but simply that it would be sensible to have better controls and then perhaps .... just perhaps fewer innocents would be arbitrarily shot ....... the right to bear bigger and bigger guns!!!!! ......... maybe it's a compensatory thing
My word what a condescending post. Of course you do not see it. LOL.
Excellent I think you've just confirmed what a lot of people think.......if that's the level of your response it simply adds weight to my points.
Also I'm neither drunk nor a pensioner.
Well then, you can dish but not take. Lol. And IDGAF what people think anymore. PC is not for me I guess.
You're the one who chose to personalise it. I felt I was making broad points and at no time disputed Americans constitutional rights. Although the IDGAF attitude is maybe at the root of many of our problems.