A Fixture
Well Steve I am neither ignorant or stupid and I am sure if you ever met me you would like me .
Now regarding bashing America and its inhabitants , I can't afford to do that as I have a son , yankee daughter inlaw
"her words" and grandaughter who live in New york .
I have been to America and can't really say I was over impressed , its ok !
Now Subjects thats a classicone thing is for sure you will never make a Scotsman a subject , especially one like me with an Irish Italian background , add some Glaswegian to that mix and you get a splendid chap but never a subject
Most "Subjects" from the UK only see a very false facade of America as they are generally on holiday ( vacation )
They don't see the daily drudgery endured by overly long commutes to work and the down and outs collecting plastic bottles in and around the city that never sleeps . or the massive traffic jams with drivers that have utterly no manners on the road whatsoever , and they never take the drive along route 66 and see the real poverty in America
Ron, I am sure you would like me as well, I am a great guy.