Jim, forgive my delay! I was not around for some days!
You see, "media" is going through one of the largest revolutions in it's history with the arrival of palm devices.
When the web appeared everybody said "printed stuff" would end. Well ... about 15 years later there is lots of paper around. What is changing everything is currently the palm devices and their portability. People carry them everywhere easily and while digital media has motion and interactivity it lacked portability: Even light laptops were not "easy traveler friends"
Things changed now: Many consumer studies point that for this Christmas the most desired gift in the western world is a touchable tablet: Ipad, Kindle, Ipad mini, Samsung Galaxy, Nook ... all have different features and focus different targets and another avalanche of offers is arriving to the market like Printemps Fnac Kobo. Industry numbers don't lie: Ipad already passed the one million sales per month and it is estimated to pass the two million sales per month late this year.
What these gadgets change is the way we deal with a magazine: There are two radical differences:
First periodicity: Something "monthly", "bimonthly", "weekly" and so on turns to be continuously edited: In this industry a kit is released - a kit is presented, discussed, analysed ... and furthermore edited: Dpreview.com already works like this for years! But nowadays this concept is turning to be the benchmark.
Second: Interactivity - it means motion, communication, linking, navigation, video streaming, live comments and so on: An immensity of options impossible to have in a printed magazine. Computer gaming magazines are currently ahead (as expected) in these fields presenting the reader an unprecedented array of options.
This revolution we are living is an excellent opportunity: Many more readers, in this case, many more users and a capability to move the market ahead: Here is where profitability comes: The return comes from live advertising: The more hits a magazine can generate, more cash it will ask to their advertisers: Economy always worked like this.
The ones that will be seriously hit with this new media are obviously the printing industry: Everyone - graphics, printers, machine manufacturers, ink suppliers ... many more than what we first think. They will have to discover new necessities like in the past typewriter companies, rent video, or film companies had to do.
Modeling is quite slow and extremely conservative when compared to other industries. In the short term we will see well established names like Rolling Stone presenting digital versions of their magazines with unprecedented length, interactivity and continuous editing. Modelling, most probably will take more time to do so as money in this industry is not abound. Nevertheless stay tuned to your favorite mag: It will grow considerably in the future - just surf the right wave