Hi Steve,
taking a break from the brush "is" allowed, lol."
It doesn't take long to play a Turn (or an Impulse, as it's the case for my favorite type of boardgames, called "Area-Impulse" games) on this game, 5 to 10 minutes and it's done and shared with my opponent
These are boardgames (not computer games), that exist on physical format (with maps, playing pieces, units and markers, and... Rules... that one can play with a human opponent, solitaire, or more players, as there are 1 player, 2 players games, and also multiplayer games, either depicting actual wars/battles from the past, hence Historical, or not; more recently a couple of different genres were created, but I confess I'm no big fan, I usually prefer WWII related Historical battles/campaigns), but for which (mostly for lack of easy finding opponents), some software was created that allow to play them through the Internet.
Very practical, this way one can play with players from all around the world, without leaving his living room
Before this kind of software was created (before Internet), we used to PBM (Play By Mail!) and I did it a lot in the old days. But compared to the much faster and much easier way that the Internet and this software provides, those were very time consuming times!
Imagine writing on paper all your Turn, putting the whole thing on envelopes, and posting it to... wherever your opponent was located!
Then wait for the reply from your opponent, then restart... Using different means for rolling the dice...
Those were also fun days, but as I say, extremely time-consuming!
Then with Internet, during the mid-90's, we started PBeM (Playing By eMail), which managed to make it much faster, but we still had to type the whole Turn on the emails...
Nowadays, with this software we use, we have the same maps as those on paper that come with the games (some guys are good at doing that!), all the playing pieces, units, markers, everything we have on the physical game!
And we even have a die/dice roll system! So it's one thousand times faster and easier than before!
With Dropbox for instance we don't even have to send our Turn by mail, we just share it with the opponent by saving the Turn on the Dropbox Folder...
In 5 minutes, what in the old days would take hours, even days, is now easily done!
I confess I'm no fan of most technological innovations, but it's on these small things that I welcome these innovations
I have a weakness for BF4"
Didn't know what it is, so did some research online.
Guess you're talking about Battlefield 4, right?
A bit too modern/contemporary warfare for my personal taste
I played many computer games in the past/decades ago (a few as recently as some 5 years ago, but my favorite ones, especially the last ones I played, were RTS games, including a few I used to play with other players online, such as "Starcraft" in the mid-late 90's, for instance, the last one on this genre I used to play was "Company of Heroes", but have played them all...

), including of course some FPS, solo and/or multiplayer online (Medal of Honor was maybe the last one of this type I remember playing, many nights shooting at other players online... lol... Then the next ones were too demanding in terms of hardware, so the days of those FPS were over...) . Before that played almost all those on this genre that existed on the market, from the old Doom, to Duke Nukem, to Half-Life... you name it...
Boardgaming for me started in the mid 80's, then (as with other hobbies, this one, modeling, included, there were pauses, sometimes decades before I returned to a particular hobby, and often times new hobbies came up during those long breaks... Funny but I was never able to not have some hobby, or different hobbies at the same time, all my life!) by the late 90's I stopped playing them, and only on occasion would play one or two.
But about the same time I restarted modeling (some 2 years ago) I also restarted this other hobby, boardgaming. I do have a nice collection of these games, but nowadays I'm only playing some of the Area-Impulse games I have (and a few new ones I acquired more recently), it's definitely my favorite genre of boardgames (instead of the more traditional hex-based maps, on these, the maps are divided into Areas, which IMO depicts a battle in a more realistic way, especially in a small scale, a town - Stalingrad for instance! - or part of a region, or part of a country... Obviously it's not practical for grand strategy games, depicting for instance the whole Eastern Front war, or even the entire WWII war all Fronts included... for this scale most of the time the older/more traditional hex-based maps work better) .
Well... long post... sorry buddy...
Anyway, not only did I play my Impulse on my game (5 minutes I'd say), but I also continued my Rommel tonight (a couple of hours or more)
Keep up the great SBS, looking to the following steps and pics