Some amusing replies but it's an important topic and worthy of serious consideration if you have a sizeable stash; the example cited by Pete & Derek about a trader in Germany offering what amounted to 1/20 of their (eventual) cash realsiation is probably all too common. Bear in mind as well, the trader would have got FAR more that the 6K EURO they went for privately! With all my model kits plastic a/c and AFV's as well as figures, I have (easily) £20K in value collected over the years (and still adding!) were I to go out and buy them from retail outlets. Yet, my partner has simply no idea of their worth - she has zero interest and not because I conceal anything - and would have no idea whatsoever of their true value or what to do with them in my absence. By way of comparison, it's like me being asked to value her cosmetics drawer and huge shoes/boots collection were she to suddenly expire ...think about it chaps!
I could therefore well imagine some spiv smelling blood and offering her something like a couple of hundred quid for the lot ..."these specific models and figures don't sell love, kids aren't interested in models and "Airfix" soldiers anymore, I might make 50 quid on these if I'm lucky....blah blah" ringing in her ears as he and his mate load up the transit van(s). As such, I have already asked a good friend who is a fellow and astute PF member to liquidate the lot for me if I fall off the perch unexpectedly and thus ensure she does not get ripped off . As a sweetner, he knows can have the pick of (anything) he wants for himself and just sell the rest for my partner. An easy enough arrangement between mates and something a lot of us want to consider doing. Otherwise, chances are, your hard earned £/$/EURO etc invested in your hobby will simply end up in the pocket of some 'chancer' or unethical trader capitalising on your other half's grief and ignorance of worth; unless of course and like thousands of others before us, you are 100% confident that 'nothing will ever happen to ME'.........?