67. Day, January 28, 2019
Today I shaded the pattern!
I've never done anything like that, so I figured it out:
Working in the shadows with a suitable dark color and fading to the lights ever thinner - only gray is all theory!
And then - just in time! - a good friend of mine pointed out that really good painters like Bill Horan also recommend dealing like this with such patterns!
That convinced me to try it that way!
As a "suitable dark color" I have chosen "Payne's Gray" ...:
On the tube is indeed written "Grey", but actually comes the stuff almost black to light. And the more you dilute it, the more a sting will turn into violet!
The ideal shade color for a dark red area!
When I put the first swab of that "Payne's Gray" right in the middle of one of my laboriously painted "cucumbers", so to speak, in my mind's eye, all my figure painters life passed me by ...
I then worked around the figure quickly - where the shadows come exactly is already defined in the dark red area.
And you can very well modulate the depth of each shadow by thin and very thin color jobs of the "Payne's Grey" and the intensity of the Verbendung!
This is how the finished painted part of the scarf looks like now ...:
I'm satisfied with the results!
The whole thing now looks "like a piece of cake", the pattern does not "pop" anymore and the overall impression is altogether calmer and more balanced than before!