The Orange is now only underpained with Aryls. There will be a painting with oils on it (warmer tones!) - and after that a different pattern - like this...:
Wait for the final result, please.
56. Day, January 11, 2019
Well - I think that's the border between "good" and "too much"!
So the pattern stays now!
In the coming week I will work around the figure step by step ...
Tomorrow I'll start with part 3, then part 4 will follow, then the whole with oil paint ("Paynes Gray") will be veeeery carefully shaded - and then the lower edge comes in two more steps.
By the end of February, I'll probably have it all done.
Martin.....I think this piece is really progressing very well overall. The design work is looking impressive and I can see your vision of the overall finished piece. But on a short note I must say (and don't take this the wrong way)…..In some of the last pics the way you have the bust positioned at such an angle that I'm thinking she's looking at me thinking...….."Is there something wrong with you?"...…..I my case? probably...……....In your case ? Your call.
In any case I think everything is coming into place and look forward to the finished work.