" And quiet flows the Don "


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Hi John!

The Orange is now only underpained with Aryls. There will be a painting with oils on it (warmer tones!) - and after that a different pattern - like this...:

Wait for the final result, please.


56. Day, January 11, 2019

Well - I think that's the border between "good" and "too much"!

So the pattern stays now!

In the coming week I will work around the figure step by step ...

Oh yes - the colors still:

This is all in the pattern ...:

Happy weekend!


That's becoming really colourful now , lots of work but I am sure it will look good ......

It mst be hard not to make it too complicated ...know when to stop etc

That's a real " rainbow" of colours on the bench

You have a well deserved rest this weekend

Looking forward to seeing next weeks instalments

Thanks for sharing

57. Day, January 14, 2019

The new week begins as the old one ended: painting patterns!

Today I have the pattern on the first front roughly laid out - the things really look, it looks like camouflage pattern on a tank of the Afrika Korps!

The whole thing is not so easy because of the deep drapery...:

When I just took the pictures and wanted to lay back and relax, I saw that I actually painted a mistake!

If I pulled the wrinkles apart, then the marked element would be about twice as long as it should be...:

That will be corrected tomorrow!

Hi Martin

A little bit more is done ........that is a real challenge for sure

I don't think I woukd have spotted the error for sure !

Bet your next one won't have a Cossack wearing sonething like pea dot camo..lol

Look forward to the next update

Hi Martin

Youhave corrected the area at the front nicely

For me the pattern seems to be settling down more now

It's certainly going to be very colourful and this is a nice contrast against the uniform

Thanks for sharing

Martin.....I think this piece is really progressing very well overall. The design work is looking impressive and I can see your vision of the overall finished piece. But on a short note I must say (and don't take this the wrong way)…..In some of the last pics the way you have the bust positioned at such an angle that I'm thinking she's looking at me thinking...….."Is there something wrong with you?"...o_O…..I my case? probably...……....In your case ? Your call.
In any case I think everything is coming into place and look forward to the finished work.

Around the shawl we go ..........dedication to another level

Has there ever been a time when you thought .....going to leave this !

Again nice start to the designs

Thanks for sharing
