A Fixture
I keep chipping away at that old bucket list. I have always wanted to do a figure of an early German Fallschirmjaeger. I have been thinking about this figure since the Kirin days nearly 20 years ago. There is something about that jump smock and those nifty side-lacing boots. Cool! 

So, I did this one for Taesung at Alpine. He did the awesome K98. He lists the figure as from Crete. But the pics i was looking at were actually earlier in Belgium. The distinctive white silk scarf seems to only be seen in pics from Belgium. However, the uniform does still apply for Crete. And if a modeler wanted to, it could be painted in camo as opposed to the reed-green suit shown.
But personally, I like the "green-devils". I hope you like him. Thanks for looking!

So, I did this one for Taesung at Alpine. He did the awesome K98. He lists the figure as from Crete. But the pics i was looking at were actually earlier in Belgium. The distinctive white silk scarf seems to only be seen in pics from Belgium. However, the uniform does still apply for Crete. And if a modeler wanted to, it could be painted in camo as opposed to the reed-green suit shown.
But personally, I like the "green-devils". I hope you like him. Thanks for looking!
