ATA girl "redo"


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Almost there I think (buttons will be replaced :) )

That's it I think, last call before I bake :)
Unless someone has to point out some terrible mistake...







I was thinking about the helmet version, there is no point in showing helmet without the mask and the rest of equipment, so I guess if I try to make it, it must be a full figure :(
Something about the earlobe where it forms the canal looks odd You have your wife as the perfect model so don't really need to hunt for a photo

Something about the neck chin area needs fixing as viewed from the side because neck looks unnatural or at least not feminine
For the neck, when You look down, the skin and fat forms under the chin. I Could remove it, but that would not be realistic.
Agree about the ear :)
Have you thought yet if the pair of girls are going to be commercial? Black Army Models like your earlier pieces?
On which, out of interest, what happened to the earlier ATA girl? she seems to have been OOP for ever.
For the neck I would suggest a bit more natural curve as it joins the jaw something like this example


Tried fixing the neck in a paint program and there was something about the bottom lip also bothering me. Turns out it was just the highlight was unnaturally on the front of the lip instead of on top so adjusted that too.
Have you thought yet if the pair of girls are going to be commercial? Black Army Models like your earlier pieces?
On which, out of interest, what happened to the earlier ATA girl? she seems to have been OOP for ever.

Have no Idea, I had some health problems and did not touch sculpting for a long time. So all the contacts with BA are lost.
They will not be commercial, I do it for myself only. Kind of a therapy for my nerves...
I can't print it for You, (cheap bastard as I am), but I can promise to send print-ready files for anyone who participated in the "making of", so You can print a copy for Yourself :)
Just drop me a note if You want it...

And I did not forget, JackG: there is still printed copy of that KUK bust on my shelf, I am just to cheap and lazy to send it :)
They want a small fortune in the post office to send it :(
lol yeah everything has price increased because of the covid event. The other day wanted to order a few pages scale plans of a particular aircraft from UK, and they want £30 for the shipping.

About the neck issue, since the project is not concerned with exact likeness of Joy why is it required to have her looking down?
Yes much better. Curious as to what your wife opinion is now after the changes?

Back to the ear it still needs a little work . Try raising the position of the tragus so it is near mid height position. In turn this gives more ear lobe or lobule as in the diagram.

My wife's opinion ? "Better but still a bit creepy" :)
Which is fine, I knew that the "open smile" will be hard to do for me. I mentioned that in the first post.
Female forms are not my forte, obviously, which is exactly why I intend to stay on similar subjects for a while, for practice :)
I hope you keep posting new designs as you develop them, it has been fascinating to watch the last 2 develop from concept to finished sculpt. I am especially pleased you are continuing with female sculpts, there are not many recent pieces of historical or more realistic subjects. The 3D market is swamped with Fantasy warrior women/sorcerers/demons or out and out soft porn.
I hope you keep posting new designs as you develop them, it has been fascinating to watch the last 2 develop from concept to finished sculpt. I am especially pleased you are continuing with female sculpts, there are not many recent pieces of historical or more realistic subjects. The 3D market is swamped with Fantasy warrior women/sorcerers/demons or out and out soft porn.

I am already researching the next one :)