WIP Attack on La Haye Sainte at Waterloo in 28mm


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I don't think so, but I have no info to back it up. As far as I know Model Air is formulated for airbrushing. That is, I think Model Air has additional ingredients to optimize performance when aerosolized through airbrushing. Though of course, it can be hand-brushed, and Model Color can be airbrushed. I've read enough posts on the scale modeling forums from modelers who have. Many also note getting the best results with Model Air, if they use the other Model Air products with the paint-thinner, leveler, etc. I concede, though, that I can't speak from direct experience of airbrushing Model Air, because I don't use it. The comment about using the other Model Air products when airbrushing Model Air is similar to my experience airbrushing Tamiya acrylics, though. i get my best results with Tamiya's acrylic paint, when I use Tamiya's proprietary acrylic thinner. Though there is an exception-I find it airbrushes well with generic lacquer thinner, too.

Wow, that came spilling out!


Thank you for that Brad.

I use both Model Air and Model Color and they are very different in consistency. Model Air is much thinner and does not cover well when brush painted. However, Model Air does dry flat when airbrushed. I do not know if there are specific additives that cause this compared to Model Color. I think the pigment is heavier in Model Color which makes it challenging to airbrush, even when thinned.

I wouldn't use Model Air for figure painting with a brush, and best of luck painting 28mm figures with an airbrush! It can also be troublesome to airbrush, it has to be thinned just right. I prefer the MIG Ammo paints for airbrushing myself.

Thanks for that Nigel.

So my 17ml bottle of Mig Lucky Ultra Matt Acrylic Varnish has arrined, I am still re painting my Blues and getting a very dark Black Blue as I want, when I have finished the odd 100 or so I will bring out my matt varnish and give it a go over all of them.

Here are the photos -

Are we talking about the same Matt varnish?, The AK ultra Matt varnish?

Its the Mig Ammo Lucky Ultra Matt, I brought a small bottle, when my old bottle was quite full it sprayed reallt well, so I am hoping this one will brush on ok (it should)

Love the look of them, especially the mounted officer , last picture.
Great job W!

Thank you kindly mate, I think the shade is correct as I have read different reports of the fabric the French used being almost a very dark Blue Black shade - almost looking Black in some light.

Hi W

Liking the cuirassiers , matting works well , easy fix on the Fusilier blue put a wash over

Thanks for update interesting conversation ref the AK .....I have the Ultra Matt ....like wallpaper paste ! ......going to get and use the other non ultra

Happy benchtime

Hi W

Liking the cuirassiers , matting works well , easy fix on the Fusilier blue put a wash over

Thanks for update interesting conversation ref the AK .....I have the Ultra Matt ....like wallpaper paste ! ......going to get and use the other non ultra

Happy benchtime


Nap, I dont use the AK varnish - I use the Mig Ammo eqv , its their Lucky Range I use.

I just went down the route of using a darker Blue by adding Black to the bottle - then darkening even more by mixing inmy wet dish enough that I needed, into a mainly Black shade with a wee bit of Blue added then mixed together to get the right shade.

Just thought of an idea - I have a few figures primed with my Vallejo Acrylic Surface primer (it dries to a satin look on my figures) wonder if brushing over a couple of coats of my Ultra Matt varnish before adding my Acrylic paint layers will help to get a more flat - matt finish, as I have a feeling my problems with shiny paint might be down to a satin shiny surface from the primer.

I have used a rattle can primer before and it gave a really flat finish (you could even feel the flat texture of the surface) then paint layers over the top stayed flat.

I had the same problem with my Fusiliers. I've been told that many blues have a naturally satin finish, so you may still have trouble , even with a highly matt base layer. I just matt the sh!t out of it after everything lol