It is indeed a good idea. I am only not sure about making it 'Exchange & Sale'. We have a dedicated forum for trading stuff 'Market & Commissions'. It is easier if all the stuff for sale is in one place.
I can see your initial concern, .. .. although, correct me if I am wrong!
'Planet Figure', bare's, 'No responsibility', for any financial transactions that take place, in the existing,
'Markets/Commissions'. These, transactions are purely, 'Self Governing', between the individual members, and there preferred payment options, usually, via, 'PayPal',.. This existing option should be kept as it is, purely for the sale of, 'Figures'. However! I feel that a separate heading, .. ' Book/Magazine/Media', i.e., the 'Book Club', page may have some 'Legs',.. so an individual member can go directly to this area of interest, without the existing figure sales, area being compromised. So, as with the 'Markets/Commissions', this arena would also be 'Self Governing' , as if a member is interested in exchanging, or buying some literature, or indeed, getting a review of it , it is down to those that wish to do so!
Anyway, it is still a thought! its for the Members to decide if it is something that they would like to have included.
Heading to my 'Bunker',...