Books/Magazine, Forum ?


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A Fixture
Jun 11, 2013
Nth East London
I was just wondering, ... purely! out of interest..., if there is room for a separate category here on, P/F,.. for the, Sale, Review, and/or Thoughts on! .. Books, or Magazines,.. Both, antique/collectable, to more recent publications! but are, 'Out of Print',.. I am sure given the number of members on here, that there is a wealth of stuff, 'Catching dust', on long forgotten book shelves! .. or has the internet, taken over print ?

Keith /Steve,.. I suppose if the thought 'Garners', enough interest, it would be worth submitting the idea! .. However, it may fall flat, depending upon both the viability or keenness to introduce this element, by the powers that be! ... lol.

Excellent idea!
I have a huge book which only contains the order of battle of all German infantry divisions throughout the second world war.
It's just a two inch large book of lists detailing right down to the number of motor bikes, machine guns and horses of the German divisions.
I was going to read it myself but realised I have a life.
However it is for sale if someone wants to make me a serious offer.
I am willing to swap it for an original Bay City Rollers Shang-A-Lang LP which mustn't have any scratches. Fat people also catered for...but grudgingly.

Great stuff.,
Great Idea Mark
It could be almost like a book exchange or trading forum. Members can post 'wanted' lists of books or lists of books for sale or trade. I'm sure everyone on here has books on their shelf that they bought, looked at once and shelved, that someone else on here is in need of.

I for one would be interested in something like this.

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That's a great Idea Mark, I've just posted a book recommendation on my own figure thread because I couldn't think of anywhere else appropriate to post it.
I'd suggest it also include interesting figure or history related video or websites as well.
I suppose it could be argued that the lounge is the place for it, but I reckon a separate forum would be justified, especially when you consider it would be another outlet for advertising......and those gorgeous women that entice one so.
Roger!,.. it must be tucked away!.. as for the life of me I can't see that link! ??:eek: .. However, you may have sparked an idea,... if this link is not used, then it could be possibly adapted, and given a more 'Notable', presence... The base idea was to create, or now adapt! a specific forum for the, Trade/selling/Acquisition, of,' OOP', Antique, Books, Mags, ( No, not, 'Readers Wives',). (But, PM, me on this, if you have any !!!:LOL: )

But also, to include, as Mark S, has now suggested, an arena, for Dvd's/ Videos/Websites for reference & thoughts, :unsure:


Bloody-Hell,. Billy, .. talk about small print !.. I have completely missed these, altogether!... What a, 'Silly-Sod', .. So, the basics are there!.. they just need a 'Big Fat', Tweak !.. and possibly bringing to the, Front-Line! under a different heading, ..... 'Literature & Media. Review, Exchange & Sale!

A thought at least!

pwadm! .. is going to love this suggestion! .. :eek:

For my ten cents this is a great idea. From the number of questions that appear here that could be answered by looking at a book I am not so sure that all of us even use books, but this dinosaur has hundreds.
For my ten cents this is a great idea. From the number of questions that appear here that could be answered by looking at a book I am not so sure that all of us even use books, but this dinosaur has hundreds.

:LOL:.. Steviesaurous!.. that's my point, you may have a couple of hundred books that other people would like! .. or at least to get a view/review of! .. (y)

Bloody-Hell,. Billy, .. talk about small print !.. I have completely missed these, altogether!... What a, 'Silly-Sod', .. So, the basics are there!.. they just need a 'Big Fat', Tweak !.. and possibly bringing to the, Front-Line! under a different heading, ..... 'Literature & Media. Review, Exchange & Sale!

A thought at least!

pwadm! .. is going to love this suggestion! .. :eek:


It is indeed a good idea. I am only not sure about making it 'Exchange & Sale'. We have a dedicated forum for trading stuff 'Market & Commissions'. It is easier if all the stuff for sale is in one place.
It is indeed a good idea. I am only not sure about making it 'Exchange & Sale'. We have a dedicated forum for trading stuff 'Market & Commissions'. It is easier if all the stuff for sale is in one place.

I can see your initial concern, .. .. although, correct me if I am wrong! 'Planet Figure', bare's, 'No responsibility', for any financial transactions that take place, in the existing, 'Markets/Commissions'. These, transactions are purely, 'Self Governing', between the individual members, and there preferred payment options, usually, via, 'PayPal',.. This existing option should be kept as it is, purely for the sale of, 'Figures'. However! I feel that a separate heading, .. ' Book/Magazine/Media', i.e., the 'Book Club', page may have some 'Legs',.. so an individual member can go directly to this area of interest, without the existing figure sales, area being compromised. So, as with the 'Markets/Commissions', this arena would also be 'Self Governing' , as if a member is interested in exchanging, or buying some literature, or indeed, getting a review of it , it is down to those that wish to do so!:D

Anyway, it is still a thought! its for the Members to decide if it is something that they would like to have included.

Heading to my 'Bunker',... :LOL:



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