Hi Pascal,
Thanks for the comments. This particular project is more of a major conversion rather than a full sculpt. For example I used a kit torso from a DML german soldier. I removed all the neck detail and cut it off at the waist. The bottom is again a part of a kit from another mounted figure. I again cut the waist away. I then join the parts with a wire. This gives me flexibility on how the pose sits on the horse. I then fill it in with putty and shape and detail it. The putty mix I use is aves epoxy sculpt that I mix evenly with Games Workshop green stuff. I find this mixture great as it has strength in it to do detail work plus it stays workable for about 2 hours. I really like the consistency of the mixture. The arms I used wire then sculpted to shape. Once the basic shape is there its a matter of getting the right details in. For all the packs, bandoliers, saddles etc all done with the same putty mix for the most part. The horse is from Miniart kit, I didnt like the mane so re did it. To shape putty I use tooth picks, hobby knife, and small sculpting tools I picked up years ago. Once I have the basic shape I use an old wet brush to smooth it out. Also I do everything in stages for example the haversack on the left side, I do the basic shape first, smooth it out let it dry. I then add the flap let it dry, then the straps. I generally will have two or three of these types going at the same time because its basically a two three session process. For all my straps, reins etc I just use plain paper.
Quick overview of the build