Wow - I did not want to start any "pissing contest" (interesting description - you never finish learning new words as a non-native speaker - I guess that it is inline with the forum-rules as it comes from a mod).
If it is "inaccurate", surely it makes more sense to explain exactly why, rather than just say "it's inaccurate". That way people can make their minds up as to whether the "inaccuracies" are something they can live with when deciding whether or not to part with their wedge.
That`s what my posts were about!

Just to clarify:
I did not say that it is a bad figure:
Followed the discussion with interest. Looking at the reference picture I realize what a fine sculptor Diego is - he translated the picture so nicely into his sculpt!
About pictures and accuracy:
The American Civil War was as the first war very broadly covered with photographs and these pictures fortunately survived in the thousands. The emphasis was in that war on taking pictures of the people - not wagons, cannons or other hardware. Therefore there is a good chance to get an idea how they really looked and how they were dressed when deployed in the field in difference to the flashy appearance of contemporary paintings that were still "in vogue" back then. - Look at their drab "modern" look in the picture I posted. (- And POW`s were not always starving in the ACW but spending their days fighting boredom and sickness with not much room for physical activities btw.)
My post was merely meant as an input for research aside from pictures published on the internet most probably based on todays heavyweight reenactors.

That`s all and I don`t know what this forum is about if any post not including "must buy" "best figure ever" etc. is getting these hostile reactions.(Edited to avoid further misunderstandings: I
do not speak of Ian`s reactions)
Next time I will be more careful if a thread is opened with the words "hope you like him" and not "comments welcome" - it is anyway more time saving to press the like button and otherwise don`t leave a comment at all.