Confederate Cav Trooper 1864 75mm Ellies Miniatures


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I think I've thought of a solution to keep everyone happy.
For those who appreciate the chubbiness go ahead and paint him that way and those who think the belly is inappropriate you can model a chooks head poking out from under his shirt......or indeed a piglet or some other scrounged animal.
Wow - I did not want to start any "pissing contest" (interesting description - you never finish learning new words as a non-native speaker - I guess that it is inline with the forum-rules as it comes from a mod).

If it is "inaccurate", surely it makes more sense to explain exactly why, rather than just say "it's inaccurate". That way people can make their minds up as to whether the "inaccuracies" are something they can live with when deciding whether or not to part with their wedge.
That`s what my posts were about!:wtf:
Just to clarify:

I did not say that it is a bad figure:

Followed the discussion with interest. Looking at the reference picture I realize what a fine sculptor Diego is - he translated the picture so nicely into his sculpt!

About pictures and accuracy:
The American Civil War was as the first war very broadly covered with photographs and these pictures fortunately survived in the thousands. The emphasis was in that war on taking pictures of the people - not wagons, cannons or other hardware. Therefore there is a good chance to get an idea how they really looked and how they were dressed when deployed in the field in difference to the flashy appearance of contemporary paintings that were still "in vogue" back then. - Look at their drab "modern" look in the picture I posted. (- And POW`s were not always starving in the ACW but spending their days fighting boredom and sickness with not much room for physical activities btw.)

My post was merely meant as an input for research aside from pictures published on the internet most probably based on todays heavyweight reenactors.
FJ reenactor.jpg
FJ reenactor bw.jpg
FJ WWII.jpg:arghh:
That`s all and I don`t know what this forum is about if any post not including "must buy" "best figure ever" etc. is getting these hostile reactions.(Edited to avoid further misunderstandings: I do not speak of Ian`s reactions)
Next time I will be more careful if a thread is opened with the words "hope you like him" and not "comments welcome" - it is anyway more time saving to press the like button and otherwise don`t leave a comment at all.
Martin You have your opinion and I think you can accept I have mine that is not a problem. we at Ellie's miniatures have never said this is a must buy figure or the best figurer ever, we put our product up and we are pleased to find people that people like it.

No were in any of my posts has their been any thing other than a mature professional response to your or anyone else's Posts. we take on board what has been said. and have said we stick by our decision to go with what we found an interesting figure, and has far as we are concerned the uniform is correct ( based on actual ACW items) the only thing that seems to be getting at a couple of people is the fact that we have given him a fuller figure.

We want to thank everyone on what ever side of the fence you are with this debate but at the end of the day it's the hobbyist who will decide weather they can live with the Oliver Hardy look or Stan Laurel. fact is we were not their and only history will know weather we are right or wrong.

at the end of the day I've learned one thing I will not put I hope you like the release on any future releases and will put all comments welcome. because we do welcome the comments and we do take note but some times we have to trust and believe that their is a good chance we are right.

Hi Ian many congratulations for your figure...... i like so much it his face and his body a bit fat.......i dont think that the acw war was only for beauty and muscle or thin men........i found this figure really realistic......and i hope you ll go one with other acw 75mm figures in this style , i love the acw figures with a mix of uniform and different hat or trouser that permit to paint them in various colours enjoing so much the modeller respect a classic officer with long clean jacket..... like if they are ready no for fight but for theatre........!!!!

I like too his face too and i found that your and the heads of H&V bust of officer in afrique 1870 and of STORMTROOPER sdb909 bust confederate officer sculpted from Carl Reid have the best faces for acw figures..... that i have saw in these last years ...and i hope that in near future they could stay on neck of same 54 mm or 75 mm acw figures!!!!!!

Many congratulations.

Mario from Italy.
Hi Mario

Thank you for the kind words and very happy you like him, we like to be different and that shows in some of the figures we release. we also Hve a Bust in our ACW sculpted by Dae Hyoung Kim please have a look at our web site to see him.

The cavalry figure should be out a couple of weeks we will post when he is out. we too can't wait to see him painted. keep an eye open for more releases in the future.

Thank you


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