WIP "Easy Pickins"


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Hi Steve,

This is an ambitious project is so many ways. Not only is the subject and scale ambitious but also the number of figures and other equipment.

Personally, I'm waiting to see the base built and the figures weathered to fit with the groundwork. Keep up the good work mate.
Seriously impressive Ski.....a real labour of love.....and it sure beats the usual scales mate....even if you have to build another 'bunker' to house it when done :LOL:


Thx Tony, and yes, it's a biggin. All these figures seemed to fit the proposed scenario, just a matter of logistics. I'll be taking my usual slow time at getting it done, too big to skimp or cut corners, and I'm a slow producer anyway. The ground work will certainly be a challenge for me since I'm not where I would like to be in that area. I'll post as I go along. Thx for the kind words Tony.

Thx Ron, it is a labor, but you're right, a heck of a lot of fun. Funny you mention space, the curio cabinet may not hold this big base and I may have to make more saw dust to house it. I've been mulling over the layout, trying to compress it realistically. We'll see how it goes. Thx for watchin.

Cheers, Ski.
I spent almost all day Saturday working fig #5, still more to get done, but just in case yall thought I was slackin, lol.

Thx for watchn. Cheers, Ski.

P.S. That splinter pattern was a bugger, lol.
Nice going Ski, cammo has come out well and looks like you got a good days work in on the figure, good to see you are not slacking :D
Thx Steve and Stevo!

Trying to get some paint on the brush is going to get tougher in the not too distant future, outside summer work is stacking up mue pronto, bummer.

Thx for watchin Gents. Cheers, Ski.
Finally finished figure #4, Verlinden Productions #2427, German Panzergrenadier Machine Gunner, Super Scale 200mm.

I used another head From ReeDees Miniatures, set HS-09-01, a much better selection from what came with the kit. Great work once again Stevo!

Weathering and final touches will be added once all the figures are set to the base, but for now, he's in the cabinet awaiting further orders, lol. All comments welcome and thx for watchin.

Cheers, Ski.

Awesome looking figure, Ski!

The camo came out well as did the metal parts. You skin tones look outstanding as well.

Can't wait to see the finished dio.

Oops, tardy on this one James, sorry Bro. Thx for the encouragement Brotha!

Trying to work figure #4 between building a deck and other garb is a bit rough, even for oils, lol.

Cheers, Ski.
After just painting my first 200mm figure I can really appreciate the mammoth amount of work you have undertaken, great result with the machine gunner mate (y)
Thx Stevo. I gotta tell ya, working with these older Verlinden kits is like taking quite a few steps back from your work. There isn't a comparison, IMHO. Not blowin smoke, just stating a fact. Each and every curve and fold looks like you took total care to produce a realistic "rendition" of life and this last Verlinden figure just really punched that home. Ruck On Stevo and keep the sculpting knife crankin. Good to hear you've taken the plunge and broke out the brushes for a big boy. Share the pics, would ya, love to see em.

Remember, Large Scale figures only mess with the mind, but are actually easier to paint because you will see your mistakes right away and correct them, hence the fact that you will improve rather rapidly vs. smaller scales, just my observation.

Cheers Bro, Ski.

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