Euromilitaire 09? Not much info!


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Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2008
Forfar, Scotland
I am weighing up the idea of travelling to Euromilitaire in Folkestone this year, but cant find much, if any details on it, apart from date.
Anyone know where the info is hidden and or is it worth the travel time and expense to go?
I would possibly be arriving Friday and leaving on Sunday, with my young son, so is there any other attractions in area?
Any information on this would be much appreciated, even getting there seems to be a nightmare to organize!
Anyhow thanks in advance, Michael
From Forfar use the train at Arbroath to London then cross to London Bridge or Charring Cross, direct train from there to Folkestone, taxi at Folkestone to hotel, B&B. Folkestone is pretty small old town and apart from a funfair/market on the beach I dont know of much else. Depends what age your boy is and what he wants to see.
If you have never been to Euro, be prepared to be amazed with the quality of the models on display both figure and armour.
We normally travel friday morning returning monday morning so make quite a weekend of it.
If you can find the Military Modelling website they have information there. Only thing is to be there early saturday morning and bring lots of money. You can eat in the building, not the best you will ever eat but it saves you going out. Mcdonalds and KFC if your boy is into them. Some good eateries and some poor ones. Always plenty of brochures in the digs so try a web search for more local items.
Hope this helps.
Hi Michael

As the Lees Cliff Hall is on the cliffs, you are above the beach they have a funfair and the beach front for some entertainment or if your boy fancy’s a swim, that is if you can get yourself out the competition room, you just cant help but look and admire, I take it you have already booked your hotel for the weekend, if not do a search for hotels near Lees Cliff Hall, you will find plenty, most of the usual hotels may have rooms left......

Peapot said:
I am weighing up the idea of travelling to Euromilitaire in Folkestone this year, but cant find much, if any details on it, apart from date.
That's pretty normal for Euro Mil. Generally what's specific to one show isn't as publicised in advance as perhaps in former years, especially this far in advance.

In terms of the show/competition itself you pays your money and you take your chance - it can be superb one year and a bit of a letdown the next. But if you've never been to Euro before, or to a show of something like this size, then even a year with lesser numbers is still quite something to visit! Well worth going to at least once IMO.

What age is your son? It is tiring walking around the exhibition room and the vendor tables, lots of standing too, and it can be quite warm depending on how lucky they are with the weather. So flagging can probably be expected (not uncommon even among the adults!) :D

Peapot said:
I would possibly be arriving Friday and leaving on Sunday, with my young son, so is there any other attractions in area?
I think arriving the evening before is the way to do it, as there's no rush on the Saturday and you don't have to lug your bags around waiting to check in which would probably stop you from heading into the venue.

Dover is close enough but the show itself (both tables and the vendor area upstairs) is rightly the major draw for most people. Plus of course the chance to chat with fellow modellers. If you're leaving on the Sunday around lunch or early afternoon I wouldn't think you'd want to take a chunk of the Saturday to go elsewhere after travelling all that distance for the show.

Peapot said:
Any information on this would be much appreciated, even getting there seems to be a nightmare to organize!
In addition to the useful stuff Don has posted about the trains, be sure to ask straight out for the cheapest return option as some of the ticket clerks won't give you the lowest fare by default.

Folkestone Central is the station to get off at.

You sorted on accommodation or do you need some help finding B&Bs?

Thanks for the info and answers people, much appreciated.

My son will be 9, part of the deal me going to Euro is that I take him with me, giving my wife peace for weekend.
I thought about Hotel rather than B.B. more chance to sit and blether with fellow modellers etc, any recommendations?
I even thought about entering painting comp. but seeing standard of models from last year, I might not.
Anyhow any pointers etc from Euro veterans would be appreciated.
As for taking plenty money with me, I am busy having a clearout onto Ebay to have money to spend on models etc.
Do you guys have a rendezvous point for PF guys or is it just a case of taking it as it comes?

Thanks again Michael.
Hi Michael, if you can afford it you could maybe think about a "book early cheap flight" from Dundee to London city. You'd have majority of journey done in no time with just a taxi ride and train journey to sort out. The Southcliffe Hotel seems to be popular with folk going to euro, well it was when i last went. Just serch for Hotels/B+B Folkestone and you'll get a whole host of options. Can't go myself this year but i know you will enjoy it.
I think I will do the train rather than plane, same price, it just seems less hassle.
Thanks again for advice, not got Hotel booked yet.
I just wondered if there was a specific meeting point for people to speak about paint etc, from the forum?
I am sure Folkestone will be full of people with similar interests as my self? I am not in a club so hoped I could talk to people who would seem actually interested in what I was talking about other than my wife who nods in agreement etc!
Anyone know what the categories are for painting comp?

I think I will do the train rather than plane, same price, it just seems less hassle.
Thanks again for advice, not got Hotel booked yet.
I just wondered if there was a specific meeting point for people to speak about paint etc, from the forum?
I am sure Folkestone will be full of people with similar interests as my self? I am not in a club so hoped I could talk to people who would seem actually interested in what I was talking about other than my wife who nods in agreement etc!
Anyone know what the categories are for painting comp?


Hello Michael!

Many of the Scandinavians meets at the Southcliff Bar at the very same Hotel. You can see modellers all over the community as well.
Planet Figure usually has a group photo where members who want to meet up.

I usually sport a Planet Figure name badge. This has helped me a lot to meet new people over the years. And also helped others avoid me? :D

You can make your own namebadge here and print it out.

Unfortunatly there is only a very small chance that I will be going myself as I recently got laid off and have to cut expences.

Janne Nilsson
Peapot said:
I even thought about entering painting comp. but seeing standard of models from last year, I might not.
FWIW I think if you're interested in improving having your stuff down on the tables is immensely valuable. Only when you can see your work side-by-side with other pieces - in the flesh, under the same lighting - can you properly judge your standard compared to that of other modellers.

Peapot said:
Do you guys have a rendezvous point for PF guys or is it just a case of taking it as it comes?
Just as a general meeting area, rather than something specific for the planetFigure group (which tends to be organised a little closer to the date) in the evenings the bar of the Clifton Hotel is very popular. The Clifton is only a minute or two from the entrance to the venue.

For finding places to stay I've been very lucky using SmoothHound for many years; here's their Folkestone page. Also worth comparing with here and here. I've stayed in Chandos Guest House a few times and always been happy with it (about 10 mins from the venue), and in previous years The Carlton Hotel and The Southcliff Hotel which were both fine (only a couple of mins from the venue).

All of the hotels in the area around the Leas Cliff Hall are an easy walk from the train station if you're not too heavily burdened with bags and want to save on the taxi fare.

Thanks for advice Einion and others, before I read your last post I had already picked and booked the Clifton as my Hotel for the weekend.
Its not cheap but it could not be any closer to the venue.
I will take your advice and pick a model from my hordes of unpainteds and get one ready for Euromilitaire.

Michael The Clifton is a very good choice as you have your son with you. It is as you say, not cheap but there should be something there to entertain him, The Clifton bar is very popular with figure painters starting on friday night. Most people tend to eat then sort of drift to the Clifton so there are bound to be people there you know or have read about or seen their work, don't hesitate to introduce yourself to people as we are all there to enjoy the weekend.
On the down side of that, its how I met the "Bluesking", but despite that we have been friends ever since.
Also if you see someone putting his figures into the show that can be a good time to talk as you will see the figures up close so gives you a good look at them.
Will you eat at the Clifton as most people know some good places to eat and make a habit of going back to the good ones.
Anyway you will enjoy it and make sure you have an empty bag for all the stuff you will drag home.
I helped as a steward at the first two Euro Militaires many years ago but gave up attending when they dropped the wargaming section (I belonged to a local wargames group in Folkestone area at the time).

Folkestone is very easy to travel to these days, and if you book 12 weeks ahead you can get rail fares with upto 80% off (I'm going to Britcon in August, train fare from Margate where I now live to Manchester was £25 return using the 12 week option, I saved a fortune, it would cost me at least twice that in petrol plus the journey by car would be twice as long).

There are many guest houses and hotels in the Folkestone area, if you go onto any tourist information website you should be able to do a search for them there.

Just down the road from where the event is being held are lots of pubs, resturants and fast food outlets, no more than 10 minutes walk.

The local funfair has closed down by the way, there is not much for tourists to do in Folkestone these days.
Hello all
can anyone point me in the direction of Euro's running order particularly for the sunday.
Trying to decide whether it's practical to travel on the sunday or wait 'til monday.

Usually winds up after the prize_giving, This starts around 4pm and the entire event closes at 5pm.

If you are entering I think the rules are that entries must stay on tables until the end of prize-giving This is relaxed if you need to catch a flight train etc

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