Well-Known Member
Here are some pictures of Recon Productions next release in the works!
It shows a member of the US/Canadian joint "First Special Service Force" in the mountains near Radicosa, hauling a crate of grenades on his Yukon Packboard. The servicemen nicknamed themselves "Freddie's Freighters" after the name of their commander, Robert T. Frederick, and the fact that they had to carry all their equipment and supplies themselves or with the aid of donkeys up the steep mountain paths.

The bust still needs some details and a lot of refinements, the basic shapes are done and his rifle is in the works. He will have a M1A1 Carbine slung across the front. He is made to look like he is squinting againts the strong mountain winds pulling on his clothes and bringing the large crate on his back out of balance.
The crate and packboard has been made with plastic card and stock, the head and hood is made with Supersculpey firm and the main body with magicsculpt. The face is partly based on the Australian Officer Ray Simpson, as his prominent nose and jaw made a interesting and powerful face!

Sorry for the dark pictures, it was hard to show the details in all the different materials!
Release will be sometime around New Year, so keep watching this forum for more information!
Thank you for looking!