French Officer Orleans Cavalry


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Mark, my Italian mother taught me the same thing, never rush anything; but the reason why this figure is taking me a long time to paint is because I've been working to many crazy hours at my job.
Hopefully things will get back to normal, very soon.


Roc. :)
Rocco, My friend,

Never make more than 8 hours work at one day. I work in a hospital and if the doctors ask me to make this or that after 17.00 hours, i always say there is tomorrow more time then today. ;)
I'll do it when it cannot wait, but mostly at the time it can wait weeks.
So we are always in a hurry here under the moon. But we did it to ourself. There is never been written that we gotta rush at our work. We work for money to feed ourself and the familly. Maybe buying some figure's. ;)
We work to life, but we life not for work. (i hope this make sense).
So take care to yourself, and a little less work and more painting :)

Mark, my friend, what you say is very wise and makes perfect sense.
Some of us spend more time laboring at our jobs than we really should,
I think we should stop and smell the roses and enjoy ourselves a little more.
By the way horse is finished and photographed, should be able to post some pictures this weekend, sorry for the delay.

Roc. :)
Hi Rocco

I've just joined this thread and I must say, looking back, you are doing a terrific job on this "milestone" piece. It is one I have often admired in the old PM catalogue and it's great to see it being done such justice.

I'm especially grateful for your posting your colour mixes - many thanks for that.

Now I'm in, I'll be here until the end :)

Best regards

Hey Phil, thanks a bunch for the kind words, I appreciate it.
Poste Militaire figures are in my opinion some of the finest figures ever produced, as good or better than most figures in todays congested market.

My next SBS will be the Poste Militaire 90mm Cuirassier standing next to his horse.


Roc :)
Poste Militaire figures are in my opinion some of the finest figures ever produced, as good or better than most figures in todays congested market.

I agree Rocco, Ray Lamb is a master talent and the "engineering" of his pieces is still unbeaten IMHO. Happily a lot of his work is still available.

I'll look out for the Cuirassier with interest - that's another classic.

Best regards

Hey guys, Mr. Ed is finished, still needs extreme highlights and shadows.


Base= Brown Allizarin+Burnt Sienna.
Medium shadow= Purple+mars black.
deep shadows= medium shadow + more mars black.
Medium highlight= base + Mars red.
high highlights= Medium highlight + more mars red.

Mane and tail

Mars black+a little naples yellow.
shadow= Lamp black.
highlight=Base +Naples yellow.


Roc. :)
Hi Roc this horse looks fantastic, I have to paint a 90mm horse maybe I will use oils for this time...I hope to achive your results for my horse :)

Mr. Ed looks great. Can't wait to see Wilbur mounted!!! :lol:

Thx for the mix (should I ever get around to painting a mtd fig...)

Ernesto, thanks, I appreciate it.
You do wonders would acrylics, I'm sure you can paint a horse as good or even better than me.


Roc. :)
:) :) Great work my friend. very nice figure.
Ciao amico mio, propio un grande lavoro uno dei più bei pezzi della poste militarie. complimenti x la pittura. ciao Luca
Caro Luca, mille grazie per il complimento, son d'accordo e' veramente uno dei piu bei pezzi della ditta Poste militaire, e' peccato che non esiste piu'.


Roc :)
Hey guys, finally found time to finish the saddle, harness and pistol holsters, time permitting, I will pe posting pictures by mid week.
I hope Mr. Ed likes the new saddle :) :) :)



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