Furry companions...


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A Fixture
Oct 1, 2020
I notice there are quite a few avatars depicting dogs on here, which led me to wonder how many of us share our homes with one or more critters. We have a dog who often spends his afternoons curled up in my workshop (which explains the hairs on my figures:eek:) Here he is:

His name is Matti - he's an eight year old Swedish Vallhund and we've had him from a pup.
He is a total character, and we wouldn't be without him.
Anyone else out there have four legged family members??

Dogs are better than people...........

Well, sad to say but in general I can't disagree with that statement... :( I'll just include all non-human animals, not just dogs. I currently have just one dog, but I've also had cats and birds, and other animal species, and they all are, in general, better than people, in general. Luckily (for the good people) there are some exceptions to this sad kind of rule...

Anyway, my faithful companion since 2013 (she was born in January that year, and I got her in early April, so still a pup), who just turned 8 years old this last January, is Snowy, a white female German Spitz, standard size.

Here she is for her 8th birthday "party" (I buy a candle with a number on it every year, and light it on a kind of madeleine, while singing Happy Birthday, it became a kind of tradition on her birthday every year), last January :

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One more, of the last time we were able to go run and play on the beach (which she loves, and now misses as much as I do), in late January 2020, right before the world changed last year:

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And a couple more, same beach where we used to go on a regular basis, back in 2019, and in 2018, when life was not perfect, but at least we had some freedoms, including freedom of movement, which highly likely the world will never see again...

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Animals (non-human ones) are our best friends! No human that I'm aware of is capable of such unconditional love. Animals never lie, and unfortunately that is something most humans can't do!

Sadly, I have lost my two beloved companions. Ben, the chocolate lab passed a few years back. He was the gentlest giant who gave the best bear hugs. He brought up Kim, the white lab, to be just as gentle and loving. We lost Kim at the start of the first lockdown.

They may have gone back to each other over the rainbow but the wonderful memories they gave us will be with us forever:)

"Sadly, I have lost my two beloved companions."

Sorry to hear that Graham. I know the feeling, I've lost so many of my best four legged and two winged friends during my life that I would have lost track if the wonderful memories they gave me, that unconditional love that only animals are able to give, would not remain in my heart forever!

The last one I lost was another female dog, a mix of Yorkshire Terrier and some other breed I don't know (I rescued her when she was, apparently, two years old, in 2008). She passed from visceral leishmaniasis, which is provoked by the bite of a mosquito (despite she used an anti-parasites collar), a common problem in all Mediterranean countries, fortunately not that much in Central and Northern Europe.
Anyway, when I say I love all animals, all parasites (mosquitos, fleas, ticks, etc) and a couple other non-friendly animals are an exception to that...

It was a hard fight against the damn disease for 7 years (detected in 2010, she passed in 2017), but this is a fatal disease, there's nothing science can do to save them...

I find it deeply unfair that our best friends have such a short life span compared to ours...

Here she is, my Princesa (in 2016) :

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In 2015, together with a younger Snowy and my girlfriend's German Spitz, Fofinha, that already passed in 2018, at the age of 16 years old (which is quite a long life for the breed) :

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And in 2013, right after I came live where I'm living now:

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