WIP Critique Giaus Julius Caesar, Nuts Planet bust 1/10th scale


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A Fixture
Aug 31, 2007
Perth, Western Australia
As soon as this bust was released I knew it would be mine. The box art painting is so perfect I must admit to being intimidated, and several versions I've seen painted since then have been equally breathtaking.

So, at the risk of embarrassing myself, I've taken the plunge and started work on this magnificent bust.

So far I've painted on several thin flesh base coats, added one coat of mid shadow tone and outlines some of the creases and folds in the skin with a dark shadow. I've also done one coat of mid highlight.

The eyes have been outlined and the shape of the iris defined, but that's all so far. I'm going for a brown eye colour.

Still early days, but so far I'm happy with my progress.

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A very nice start on the face, and the positioning of the irises looks perfect for this bust.

Thanks very much for all your comments folks. I always appreciate them.

I spent another couple of hours last night working on smoothing the transitions, applying various dilute washes and practicing a stippling technique to create more realistic skin textures. It doesn't show in the photos.

Also started filling in some details within the irises. Haven't added the pupil yet. Still defining the shape and outline of the eyes. The brown hair is simply a base coat at this stage.
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As you say a great bust , box art is amazing and you are bringing this to life , following this with interest

What colour for your cloak ...any thoughts yet?

Happy painting

Great work so far. The blending and transitions of flesh tones are really nice. Look forward to seeing more progress on it:)
Thanks Nap and Jason.

Nap, I haven't settled on a specific colour but I was leaning towards an off-white cloak with a crimson border. I'm certainly not going to do the usual Roman red cloak. I'm also planning to paint the laurel wreath as real leaves and fruit berries, rather than as a gold crown.

Jason, thanks mate. I appreciate you helping me to understand your stippling technique too. Hopefully you'll see some more evidence of this when I post my next WIP pics. In the meantime, I have your photos to provide me with inspiration.

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