Lorks I go to sleep for a few days and you've produced something spectacular Ivo
Just had a catch up on the thread and don't know where to begin . . . simply awesome work. I just love the feathers and the twirly fringes - beautiful workmanship.
Okay I'm paying attention now so please continue and I'll try not to go away again
Amazing work Ivo. There is so much detail and and extra equipment on this, only you can make it all fit and keep it looking so realistic. As always I am amazed at the superb quality of your work. The same as everyone here, I am looking forward to your next post. Best wishes, Keith
I would echo HUW's sentiments. Ivo's, you are of such a stature I dare say, that you could and, may I say, should write a book on the subject. From a different era, you are arguably the Monsieur Berdou of our time. Salut et votre sante mon ami!