A Fixture
great work on this challenging figure.
A great pit of painting Del, and a huge step up from your previous bust. It a credit to you that you acknowledge your modelling mentors and those you have helped you take such huge steps in such a short period of time. CWell done mate. The face and the shield are particularly well done.
Amazing brush work Del.
There is nothing I can add, only echo the scribbling's above.
Strange that your previous bust looks so p**t off at not being painted to this incredible level.
A truely great piece Mate .
Derek, this is beautiful!
You got the balance spot on. Subtle but full of life, nice leathers and weathering, flesh etc. Not much to add to whats been said. Only thing I can think photography wise that would bring it out better would be a darker background, like Popovichenko's works, that would create cool contrast with silver armour.
Whats next on the bench?
great work on this challenging figure.
Much appreciated Vincent. Your Courtesan is an absolute stunner, beautiful colours and a great reference for others.Great work Sir
Cheers .
Del excellent painting and I'll be looking out for this on the competition tables at euro.
Cheers Ken
Thanks mate. I'll practice some shots tonight with dark backgrounds. The next one of the 'Elephants' is this old fella. Been lying around for ages, time to finish him.
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Superb Del, I will be bending your ear on the way down to Euro and this time I will take notes.
Saw Hector in the Flesh tonight ,some real clever stuff from Del on this one ,great work on the shield and leathers also ,well worth taking to Euro .
DEL, you should take some photos of that knight!! I like the horse painting, looks to be very well done.
I'll take it along a bit further Pedro and then post some shots. The horse has a lot going on with some subtle dappling. Painted using Steve Kirtley (SK Miniatures) technique.
Steve produce some incredibly detailed articles for Military Modelling on horse painting. I've kept all that I came across. Brilliant reference material, he should publish a collection of these for us Oilies.