historex voucher charges


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A Fixture
Apr 16, 2011
Recently I have noticed that if I want to buy a voucher of any value from Historex it will cost me £2.95 to post it to me. Why oh why in this age of the internet, can it not just be emailed to me so I can print it off. Call me jaded and cynical but don't you think that's just a teeny bit greedy to send a letter weighing next to nothing. Would be interested in hearing your comments.
Maybe they just haven't thought it through-or more likely there are expensive security issues. Trying to stop fraud on this might be quite complex although I am no expert.

I don't like to moan as I am a regular Historex user. I buy quite a few Andrea figures and Historex are great for this. But I really think it is milking the profits charging so much for what is just a first class stamp and an envelope. In these times of austerity it would be nice to see companies who we use a lot treat us better and stop taking advantage wherever they can.
I assume they are sending it registered or signed for due to the implied cash value................I hate to be defending them. It will be interesting to see exactly what the postage is when it arrives.

I am considering vouchers, to me once bought online it is simple to log the purchase my end as a credit, only an email confirmation is sent.
When ready the customer just emails his/her choice and the order is sent. If a balance difference it can be refunded through PayPal or an invoice can be sent if over the voucher cost. But I am a small company and I appreciate that this may be a big task for larger businesses.

That said I requested spare parts from Andrea last week and the service has been fantastic, to the point of individual emails, excellent service.

I think possibly Historex has got either too big or their heart is not in it so much, they certainly have been knocked off the perch and do not have the Monopoly anymore.
I spoke to a few now closed shop owners over the previous few years, Historex would expect a minimum order of £500 each time, that was at least 6 years ago.

To me Historex partly paved the way to not seeing figures in shops as they wanted sole distribution. It has now changed somewhat as the smaller companies are quite happy to distribute in small numbers appreciating the traders who respect the manufacturers and vice versa.

To me the only cash value of a voucher is at the source end (ie it cannot be spent anywhere else) so any piece of paper could be sent, better way is to confirm by email, possibly even a code sent individually by email that corresponds to that voucher, or is that too simple :)
To me there is no need to charge a cost for sending a confirmation.
What comes around goes around eventually.
Now't to do with this hobby but a one time small fry:whistle: in the angling world tried to become an abu dealer and was told he was not a big enough concern,he now is the biggest mail order firm in Europe re the Angling world and bought over most of his competitors Abu now scatter golden petals at his feet :) Not bad for a Glasgow Barra's boy
Hi John ,

You have raised a valid point here as has Gra , perhaps Historex are just seeing the money and not so much the customer service value to their business ....they have changed so much ..not all for the good .

Gra ,

Like your idea's about "vouchers"

Be intersting to see if any other companys offer this sort of thing and how they deal with it ?

I assume they are sending it registered or signed for due to the implied cash value................I hate to be defending them. It will be interesting to see exactly what the postage is when it arrives.


Thanks for all the comments. Keith, I could appreciate what you say but the postage is just normal 1st class mail. They are just being greedy as it is a double whammy for them as when a figure is later ordered there will be postage charges for that as well. That is to be expected but to pay £2.95 for a 1st class normal letter is ridiculous. I am afraid I won't be buying.
They used to be one of the good ones with a great sense of customer service. As I recall that was Lyn Sangster's outfit....true?

Hi John I have to agree if the item is not sent registered then it is a rip off. I think Historex suffer from the 2nd Generation malady that often leads to ultimate failure, the guys who inherit the business never quite have the same customer focus as the ones who built it, only about 7% of businesses survive to a 3rd generation.
I think Historex are more of a Wholesaler these days but they do carry an enormous range of items and the UK Hobby would be poorer if they were not around. With Postage rates going through the roof making it difficult to order economically in small quantities from overseas manufacturers it is good to have a UK based stocking point. Be careful what you wish for where would we be without them.?
I am not a big user of their services but needed a few specialised items recently, the postage cost was very reasonable and what's more having ordered at 3pm the items were with me the next day.
I don't think anyone is wishing they were not here Keith and I myself use them. My point is it does or at least has seemed that there is an element of monopoly tactics though both in their distribution costs and charges to customers as seen above, most of the items they now sell can be bought through other distributors cheaper. I double check on ebay and compare now, items are usually cheaper elsewhere.
I agree. I don't want to rubbish Historex as they have supplied me with many figures in the past and I have had a very good service from them. I really don't want them to go away, my only point is the charge for postage on a voucher.
From the price given its certainly not Special delivery, that's around £6.50 and recorded about £1.80
£2.95 does seem excessive.
Postage costs have gone crazy. Yesterday I tried to buy various items from verlinden off ebay, cost of items $110, cost of postage $90. Order cancelled.
They wanted to charge me the same for a sheet of decals.
When I phoned to query it, the response was if you don't like it go elsewhere.:unsure:
Postage and packing.....maybe most of it is cost recovery.....perhaps their packing staff get paid really well and great benefits ;-)

Pretty unfriendly behaviour by Historex I'd say.

But I'd like to raise the point why buy vouchers anyway?
Vouchers can get lost and have a finite validity date. And why pay in advance for some unknown future purchase?
Good old cash money Is a much more universal voucher.

I sometimes feel we just buy vouchers to pretend we took care to get a personal present, while that's not really the case if we end up buying vouchers... Not to critise you Jazz, I've done the same, just as a thought.

Time to fess up. It wasn't me buying the vouchers, but my wife as a Xmas present for me as she never knows what figure to get me. Due to the postage charges she dropped the idea and bought me a jumper instead.