3 things I like about the peachy,,,, no extruders, water supports it and water makes it self leveling. If I remember the specs right it should also be easy to convert to wireless. Since it uses sound frequencies to transmit model detail to the printer a set of wireless speakers can probably set up easily enough with a few minor modifications. I cannot wait till they offer it commercially. I haven't heard of the Robox, I'm gona have to look it up.
BTW, I prefer the larger scales for likeness' because you can get a lot of detail. I have 4 prints I'm working on right now that are 1:6 scale. 3 of the are busts and is just a head for an articulated body. I'm gona have to print some hands and shoes for the body because I don't care for the ones that are included. That being said, I run live steam trains and scale down my figures to fit the two scales I model in 7/8ths and 1:20.32. All my customers are currently train or live steam boat modelers.