WIP Critique How not to do it...


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I know where your coming from Adrian.I've always had a problem with not being able to see how my painting turns out and everything working together until I've finished the whole thing.I'm just about to finish a 90mm Roman which I was really happy with each part I was painting but now that the figure is all put together i'm not happy with the overall look.I'm tempted to put it to one side.20 years ago I would have thrown it in the bin,old age has mellowed me a bit.I think you'll find that you're own worst enemy.I personally like the shield but like I said I know where your coming from.Hope that makes sense?
Thanks Brian, yes that makes a lot of sense. Actually, I feel silly now for posting that shield saying it is crap and so many people telling me it's not. The comments made me realise my problem is not with the shield itself, but with the shield in combination with the figure. So, yeah, I totally see what you mean.
The thing is the figure itself also has a lot of red, so it is important to get the subtle contrast with the shield's red right. The weathering messed this up, with the shield and figure visually blending too much.

In the mean time I tried some fixes to the shield, but I'm afraid I'm going to redo it anyway, as they didn't work out. I'm also not sure yet if the red-on-red is a good idea.

I'm starting to think I'm taking this figure painting far too seriously! :)

Thanks everyone for commenting. It helped!

Well, I gave it a couple of weeks, but according to the motto 'when in doubt....get out the paint stripper' I then spent 10 minutes and was back at the bare metal. The shield is so prominent in this figure that I couldn't leave it. I hate it when that happens. Anyway, it's almost done now.

I hope to post the whole figure to my vBench pretty soon, but to round off this thread here's the 99% finished shield.


Shield looks ace.

Previous picture made me laugh as the more I look at it the more I see an ancient latin inscription here:D


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That's sort of what I was thinking about the paintjob at that point! I guess my brush went the same way as my mind. :)

Food for psychologists!

Looking good Adrian.

I think you maybe approached it wrong at the beginning .....you should've said "Hey guys, look at my awesome shield". Then everyone would've said it was crap and you wouldn't have felt so bad about stripping it ;)

Anyhoo, I think it was awesome before and just as awesome after.

Billy :)
Honestly Adrian, it looked great before, and it looks great now! Are you sure your'e not just giving yourself grief?
Best wishes, Gary.
Hi Adrian

Don't strip it mate. Keep working on it and keep striving for perfection. It's our drive and desire to improve our work that sometimes causes us to get frustrated when we don't get the results we want and expect. I'd be very happy with the results you've achieved.
Thanks Billy, Gary and Tony for leaving a comment and the others for liking. Appreciated!

@Tony, no worries, the pictures above are of the second version. No more stripping will be done! It's glued to the figure and there it will stay.

Second version looks a lot better. Definitely over-weathered in the first version. Not just saying that cause I've seen the comparision, I thought it from the beginning of the thread but this is the first time I've looked at this post. Well done for revisiting the shield and not just letting it go.

I would do cartwheel,s down the street if my painting skills were that good. (Never will be) Looks great.
Looks very good rendering to me
The painting on shield was done in those time "free handed" with mineral and or vegetal colors
Must absolutely not look as a Raphael painting, but like you have rendererd it
I know, the"russian school" show shields or pavese, antiquity or medieval as if they where painted by Rembrand or Raphael, and I always admire the result, jaws droping, but they didn't paint that way in those times . And the artists painting on shields and pavese were not the top of their time either, nobody could have afford their prices .
I like very much what you have done

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