Updated my pad and phone to iOS 8 last week but now I cannot upload pictures to Planet Figure!!! Anyone updated theirs who can confirm that the upload still works for them, or not?
Mate....didn't you see all the problems that they (Apple) have refused to acknowledge there are with iOS 8!!!!........
I am just waiting....and praying....that the new OS to replace Mavericks (iMac) can sort out the rubbish issues with it....if not...I will go back to PC's
As was recently said...."Apple?....best looking shit you can buy"
Have to say that for what I do on my iPad and iPhone, iOS 8 has not caused any issues for me other than this one and I am not sure what is happening here to be honest.
Yep, they have issues and yes, Maverick slowed my old iMac down to a crawl so I hope they do sort that out. Would I go back to a PC? No unless my Mac died and I could not afford another.
Then you are one of the luck ones......can't send texts to my son....apps won't update.....screen keeps freezing......wi-fi keeps dropping out....and is slower than a pissed snail
I only use the iMac for any kind of up/downloads....so can't honestly say with regard to that issue....
Just tried to upload a test photo from my updated iPhone and you are right. I can select a photo but it then continually tries to attach to the post without success. This is the only issue I have found so far with the update. Everything else is working fine with not bugs or crashes.
Don't mention i pad still trying to sort everything out after being hacked to death ...at least I look like I might know that I might be savvy on the dammed thing ...NOT !!!
Just select the option you want. Don't forget that camera roll is not there now, its either moments or recently added. Just navigate to the folder you want and open and then wait for it to attach to your post
I have no answer
My cell phone is just that : a phone . To be used in case of emergency . My first one weigthted something like 4K .
The actual one is maybe 4 years old and cost, new, something around 29€, I can call and receive call, if, and only if, needed . Nowadays I have always been a great fan of technology, I still remember fontly of my first " computer", a Sinclair with an extravagant 1K of memory . and my first IBM PC I received from my work 48K memory, costing at that time arround 200.000 Bfr ( Belgian franc ) ( 5000€). And by the way, Apple never lied, their logo has always been a bitten apple true symbol of incompletness .
"after updating to ios 8 on my ipad mini, i also experienced issues with Safari. Someone on another thread had mentioned that they downloaded the Puffin Browser from the App store. I decided to give it a try and I'm really happy with it. Right away there was a signifigant difference in speed and appears to work quite well. At least until there is an ios 8 update, i will continue to use Puffin. Hope this is helpful!"
I have a third party app called Free Video I use to save YouTube vids on the iPad. Used to work great. ...now not so much....or at all. This is also slower and they have changed the interface in Safari just enough to annoy with no identifiable benefits. F'n engineers always have to change stuff to justify their jobs even if not making it better....there that felt better. Can you tell I was an accountant in an engineering company where the engineers always saw my contribution as a pain in the arse?