David Spencer
A Fixture
Never fancied Glastonbury festival.
Wife has it on the TV: embarrassing, we agreed.
No longer on TV.
Wife has it on the TV: embarrassing, we agreed.
No longer on TV.
Was Download once The Monsters of Rock in Donnington?
Thanks Simon.
I'm enjoying this fella, more than the last one.
The long days and overcast skies are really handy, too.
How's your eye?
Take it easy, mate.The great British summer,overcast skies! I was supposed to be in Cyprus for 10 days but with the hip we decided to cancel, so we planned a day out on the south coast for tomorrow, checked the weather 80% chance of rain, typical.
Eyes fine now till next time, without the injections though I'd lose the sight so I can't complain, well I could but I'm not gonna.
Cheers Simon
Hi NapHope to see more updates on the Figure soon
You're very kind.Great work on the figure and great taste in music!