Active Member
Thats right! 'Liberty Valance'! As in Lee Marvin in 'The man who shot Liberty Valance'.
'The Shootist' as Andrea Miniatures claim this figure it to be (or at least call it) was John Wayne in a entirly diffrent movie.
To further dazzle their costumers Andrea's catalogue picture shows us a baseplate which holds the name of...Liberty Valance.
So why do they give out this 'false' information? I do not know. Couldn't have anything to do with 'copyrights' or whatever because they also have several pieces named the character they depict. One of them being Valance's counterpart from the same movie, named by it's correct name 'Tom Doniphan' which is indeed...John Wayne.(The John Wayne figure 'Ethan Edward' from 'The Searchers' is another example.)
So as far as Andreas naming their figures goes: in this case I would like to say: 'Objection your honour!' There are also some details which are 'off' to the movie character. This figure spots Valance toting two guns in a crossdraw rig instead of one, but lacks the charastaristic riding whip dangling from his wrist. Ah well, I can live with that. (I would prefer 'two guns' instead of 'one and a riding whip' also).
Sorry for my ranting and raving...I just think Lee Marvin (Liberty Valance) deserves credit for this character he played in the movie classic 'The man who shot Liberty Valance'. I mean come on! Gene Pitney even sang a song about this guy!
So with thát well out of the way here's my progress attempting to Andrea Miniatures' (and I'm a great fan of their Golden West series) The Shootist.....I mean Liberty Valance
I removed the flash still visible here.
Bit of basecoating.
Im still poundering if i will or won't attempt the stripes trousers as I think it will be very hard to do.
'The Shootist' as Andrea Miniatures claim this figure it to be (or at least call it) was John Wayne in a entirly diffrent movie.
To further dazzle their costumers Andrea's catalogue picture shows us a baseplate which holds the name of...Liberty Valance.
So why do they give out this 'false' information? I do not know. Couldn't have anything to do with 'copyrights' or whatever because they also have several pieces named the character they depict. One of them being Valance's counterpart from the same movie, named by it's correct name 'Tom Doniphan' which is indeed...John Wayne.(The John Wayne figure 'Ethan Edward' from 'The Searchers' is another example.)
So as far as Andreas naming their figures goes: in this case I would like to say: 'Objection your honour!' There are also some details which are 'off' to the movie character. This figure spots Valance toting two guns in a crossdraw rig instead of one, but lacks the charastaristic riding whip dangling from his wrist. Ah well, I can live with that. (I would prefer 'two guns' instead of 'one and a riding whip' also).
Sorry for my ranting and raving...I just think Lee Marvin (Liberty Valance) deserves credit for this character he played in the movie classic 'The man who shot Liberty Valance'. I mean come on! Gene Pitney even sang a song about this guy!
So with thát well out of the way here's my progress attempting to Andrea Miniatures' (and I'm a great fan of their Golden West series) The Shootist.....I mean Liberty Valance

I removed the flash still visible here.

Bit of basecoating.
Im still poundering if i will or won't attempt the stripes trousers as I think it will be very hard to do.