Military Modelling Magazine ?


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Hi Huw I too have all the figurines mag amongst others which are great value and I enjoy them. as you say MM might go digital and if so that will be the end I think shame but true. I still look back at old issues of MM some great stuff in them and I still find them useful now.

as you say we will have to keep an eye on Euro and see which way things end up going. I still belive it needs some work to bring it back but we shall see.



Totally in tune with you Ian and as Mick said the day of the magazine seems to be numbered.


I Believe the time has come that ALL the magazines relating to how hobby either paper or digital are numbered.
Why would somebody subscribe to a publication when all they could ever want is available on this forum and it hurts to say
on the MM forum.

With a mag publication you get what you are given by the editor. you cannot ask questions, ask for explanations or ask for help or advice.
I dont think I have ever seen a question or request for help unanswered on PF.

Manufactures are able to advertise their products at no charge. What would be the cost of an advert for the latest release in a Mag?

So in a nutshell Forums will take over in the very near feature

Mick I think you're right about the future of magazines - certainly I'm now better infromed about releases and have been introduced ot small maufacturers who've each provided an excellent quality of service to me.

IMHO Armourama seems to be the leading forum (for AFV modelling. Of course) and I'm not sure how long the MM forum will exist if MM folds - I stopped logging on ages ago partly due to time and partly as PF is in a different league when it comes to all matters figurine which is my main model making passion.


So in a nutshell Forums will take over in the very near feature

I think this has already occured Mick. Although some proclaim that various social media apps will do to forums what they did to mags. I think you have hit the nail in the head with forums. Social media is fine for new product exposure and counting likes but you need forums for detailed interaction, teaching, SBS's and how to's. I can't see that changing.
Well so called "Social Medias" appears and disappears without leaving any trace. They are recents, very difficult to find oldies . And try to browse on social medias to find an article about a particular figure
Paper stay, easy to browse
And the biggest général catalogue for figures made those last 15 years is perhaps the french mag : Figurine
On social Media you have a lot of " Adverts" for new products, but very view reviews made by peoples who know what they speak about . On PF usualy the guys made excellent job on " open box", but it's not true of any other forum, dedicated to figures, I know of .
In the 60ies , it was easy to make a list of makers of figs ( in kit ) 1 page A4 was enough ( 40 - 50 names ), today they are more than 1000 makers still actives in this field ( I know of )
Webb ( example) there was the webb of Lou Mases which covered, among others, the full production of Chota Sahib, now closed .
I made myself a webb trying to cover the Nostalgic part of our hobby, I'm 68, one day I will be gone, so will my webb .
On the other way, the " World Encyclopedia of Model Soldiers" by Garrat will still be there covering the hobby from beginnig to 1980 . Pity they are not any Garat for covering 1980 to today .
So download everything you want from my webb, catalogs in PDF, lists in XLS, and if you want to participate, you're welcome .
I thanks again some Planet Figures members who helped me with some catalogues, some people from Soldatini and Soldat Plastique 1/32
Not forgeting personal friends . Pity to say but "Social Media" is not so Social . The ratio downloader vs. participants is 25000 for 20 .but those 20 participants gave me/us invaluables help . 30% of the catalogues made available came from them .
For the part Old Toys Soldiers list, 50% came from them . I change those XLS list at least twice a month . Any suggestion welcome . They are no negatives suggestions .
Woops I'm far from Mil Modelling who was an invaluable source of information as was Campaigns and Mil Modeller, those were the bases of my sources of informations .

I've come back to this thread having downloaded and read the latest issue of MM yesterday. Kelvin Barber said goodbye although imho his second tenure as editor wasn't as successful as his first (a bit like certain football managers). I did a quick analysis and what was interesting is the reduction in advertisers and certainly Historex Agents haven't appeared for several months now. Secondly there's now a contributing editor though how long he will be there isn't known. I guess that it's days are numbered now.

Just wanted to share this. By the way I think that CRF (Colin) and Mirosoft make excellent points.


I don't really agree that forums and digital mag will replace niche magazines.
I am a figure modeler and painter. I've enjoyed all the early figure magazines from the 60s to the 80s. Hist figure model mag went out of circ. the French Figurines was unreadable. I've never bothered with figure intl because it was all about painting and was a direct link to Andrea Miniatures. I stopped buying MM a long time ago because it changed focus to armour. Other figure centric mags focus on collecting finished figures. In my opinion, there is still a demand for figure modelling magazines.
I don't really agree that forums and digital mag will replace niche magazines.
I am a figure modeler and painter. I've enjoyed all the early figure magazines from the 60s to the 80s. Hist figure model mag went out of circ. the French Figurines was unreadable. I've never bothered with figure intl because it was all about painting and was a direct link to Andrea Miniatures. I stopped buying MM a long time ago because it changed focus to armour. Other figure centric mags focus on collecting finished figures. In my opinion, there is still a demand for figure modelling magazines.[/quote)


There may well be a demand for the "Niche Magazine." but alas I dont think it is strong enough. To please everyone you would need to cover so many aspects ie Sculpting, Figures ( Various) Tanks ,Lorries , Plains, Boats. Cars, Bikes and trains.
To cover this you would need a mag for each topic, or one big one to cover all. It would be as thick as a telephone directory.
Oh we dont have them any more

We have to face it like it or not the Mag day is over.

Hello Mick,
But you are saying revive MM. If that business model is not viable, then a real niche mag focusing on a single topic - figure modelling is what I am proposing. Figurines is still viable and it caters only to the Francophile audience. I think that the Anglophile market is potentially larger.

Rgds victor
Hello Mick,
But you are saying revive MM. If that business model is not viable, then a real niche mag focusing on a single topic - figure modelling is what I am proposing. Figurines is still viable and it caters only to the Francophile audience. I think that the Anglophile market is potentially larger.

Rgds victor

There have been rumours about Figurines too and they didn't seem as present as they used to be at the Ingolstadt show last weekend or the Montrouge show the week before.

Where I see a market is more for booklets such Histoire and Collections, Nuts and Bolts, Panzer Tracts etc publish. These are all reference guides which are re-read and re-used and remain I print for a longer time period than a periodic publication. Additionally higher price reference books I believe are here to stay.


Hello Mick,
But you are saying revive MM. If that business model is not viable, then a real niche mag focusing on a single topic - figure modelling is what I am proposing. Figurines is still viable and it caters only to the Francophile audience. I think that the Anglophile market is potentially larger.

Rgds victor

I personally think MM has had its day (and I give it a Soldiers farewell). IF a Mag appeared in English devoted entirely to Military Figures ( and NOT tied to one product) I would take up a lifetime subscription, But that aint going to happen. You can please some of the people all of the time and all of the people some of the time. But you can't please all of the people all of the time.
However you love to flick pages and mark them etc Forums and the net are taking the biscuit .

When was the last time you sent a letter with a stamp.?????? we just email.

The nails are being driven home. Sad I grant you but true.
The fact of the matter isn't that the internet has taken over in general it's because ours is such a small hobby.
Go into any newsagent or for example WH Smith in the UK and there are rows upon rows of magazines about fishing, yachting, cycling, aircraft, etc. etc. All interests/hobbies that no doubt have a huge web presence but still are able to support published magazines.
As with most things in life it's down to money and it's obvious figure painting magazines aren't lucrative enough.
Fear not dear fellows, all is not lost. The end perhaps is not in sight
Will update you when I hear more.


You tease young Malc !

I see the latest issue has Rob Hendon and his great Capt Mainwaring bust that was at Euro last year and rightly got an award of a bronze ..should have been more IMO)

Do tell more when you can young man

I see the latest issue has Rob Hendon's great Capt Mainwaring bust that was at Euro last year and rightly got an award of a bronze ..should have been more IMO Nap

That's a spot on observation our Kev.
It was one of my own favourites at the show, I thought it so original and so immaculate it deserved more.


Well if they can change it so it includes more figures and history and get it selling that would be great. My concern is the dwindling number of advertisers might make it very very expensive.

Having said that the latest issue (at east the digital version) seems a bit more like it. Still needs a lot of work ot equal it's hay day however.


Well guys, there is a new editor at MM and he's very interested in figure articles.
So I for one will get busy, and hopefully so will some other contributors.;)
We'll certainly try and do our best for you.


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