Well so called "Social Medias" appears and disappears without leaving any trace. They are recents, very difficult to find oldies . And try to browse on social medias to find an article about a particular figure
Paper stay, easy to browse
And the biggest général catalogue for figures made those last 15 years is perhaps the french mag : Figurine
On social Media you have a lot of " Adverts" for new products, but very view reviews made by peoples who know what they speak about . On PF usualy the guys made excellent job on " open box", but it's not true of any other forum, dedicated to figures, I know of .
In the 60ies , it was easy to make a list of makers of figs ( in kit ) 1 page A4 was enough ( 40 - 50 names ), today they are more than 1000 makers still actives in this field ( I know of )
Webb ( example) there was the webb of Lou Mases which covered, among others, the full production of Chota Sahib, now closed .
I made myself a webb trying to cover the Nostalgic part of our hobby, I'm 68, one day I will be gone, so will my webb .
On the other way, the " World Encyclopedia of Model Soldiers" by Garrat will still be there covering the hobby from beginnig to 1980 . Pity they are not any Garat for covering 1980 to today .
So download everything you want from my webb, catalogs in PDF, lists in XLS, and if you want to participate, you're welcome .
I thanks again some Planet Figures members who helped me with some catalogues, some people from Soldatini and Soldat Plastique 1/32
Not forgeting personal friends . Pity to say but "Social Media" is not so Social . The ratio downloader vs. participants is 25000 for 20 .but those 20 participants gave me/us invaluables help . 30% of the catalogues made available came from them .
For the part Old Toys Soldiers list, 50% came from them . I change those XLS list at least twice a month . Any suggestion welcome . They are no negatives suggestions .
Woops I'm far from Mil Modelling who was an invaluable source of information as was Campaigns and Mil Modeller, those were the bases of my sources of informations .