Napoleon Advancing (Phoenix Models)


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Hi Andrew

That's come along fast , sofa looks good as does the dress , did you do a pattern on it ? , nice colour on her hair as well

This set certainly has gone together well ....hope we see more of Phoenix from you

Thanks for sharing

Happy benchtime


Pleased you like them Kevin.
No planned pattern on the dress.
It was Humbrol Light Grey enamel, followed by a sepia wash (oil), and the random pattern just appeared when I dry-brushed with Humbrol white enamel.
You'll see one more Phoenix figure. I've nearly finished the R15 reject from this set-up (photo in my first post).

Thank you Pierre.

Since she hasn't got anything with which to fend him off (apart from giving him a face-slap), I tried to give her a scathing look.


I think you conveyed that nicely, Andrew! And the couch looks outstanding, really looks like cloth upholstery, well done!

Nearly finished.
I fixed the sofa to the base and glued Madam and the cushion in place.


Napoleon was positioned for a final check, and Sod’s Law struck … his feet didn’t touch the floor.
I thought I’d got this fixed earlier, and had given his soles slight extensions.
Obviously not enough for this shortish fella.

His right sole has now been scraped, and fresh Magic Sculpt added.
So, it’s back to a slight clean-up and local repaint.

Hi Andrew

Well madam looks pretty sitting there , like those fleshtones now she's in position

SOSs law eh ! ......still at least you can fix it ...hope he hasn't got heels

Thanks for sharing

Happy benchtime

Hi Andrew

Well madam looks pretty sitting there , like those fleshtones now she's in position

SOSs law eh ! ......still at least you can fix it ...hope he hasn't got heels

Thanks for sharing

Happy benchtime


Hi Kevin,

Thank you for your kind comments.
Sod and Murphy generally work together, with Sod considering Murphy to be an optimist.
Luckily, this time it was just one of them, and I think I've got things finally sorted.


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