New Andrea Miniatures


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The solid wheels are a pretty common option on Harleys:

How good they are in a strong crosswind, however, is another story.
The solid rear is not bad but the front definitely gets wobbled in a cross wind and when caught in a truckwash. A couple of my riding buddies tried them and dumped them for spokes inside a month.
Nice chrome spokes (especially double strung) look way classier anyway... IMO
Great to see Silvain Dechamps original 150mm piece again after all these years. I remember this coming out and it caused quite a stir, and rightfully so as it is excellent. I remember at the time wishing I had something like this so I shall definately be buying the Andrea piece which is also an awesome model. As an ex biker this has got to be in my cabinet. Full marks to Andrea for being different in a great way. Julio Cabos also deserves a mention for some lovely painting.
I once got blown across two lanes on the M5 motorway by a sharp gust of wind on my old Harley Fat Boy (solid wheels), fortunately it was early and there was little traffic. It surprised me considering how heavy it was.
All it takes is a little wibble in the front end to take that 700lbs sideways :nailbiting:
...I don't want to sound "rude" but, as noticed previously, for those who really know how a motorbike is, this miniature has notorious shortcomings in its details...

That is the biggest problem I see and others I have spoke to see as well. While the figures look terrific, the bike leaves something to be desired. You could either modify (heavily) the bike or build one from scratch. Either way, there's a lot of work ahead to make this bike look as nice as the figures. I still want to paint his "colors" as the Wild Hogs...:LOL:

Jim Patrick
I hadnt clocked the H.A. patch but I would definetley take a Dremel to it myself those gents dont take kindly to unauthorised usage
One of my buddies was shot by one of these "gents" during an operation .... I don`t give a sh$t how they feel about the usage of their patches. I have got one of these in my office and I don`t tell you what I will do with it when visiting the men`s room. They do not care about laws so why do they have a problem with a minor violation of their copyrights?
With just the deadhead on his breast and without a proper full color, side-rocker etc this guy himself seems to be somebody who has to be concerned about a meeting with the HAMC down on the road ahead.
On a lighter side the model is fine and it shows (maybe even glorifies) the brighter side of the biker-culture. I would like to paint one of these but look forward to the moment that some visitors of a "brotherhood" take offence in my display .... my special "dremel tool" is ready for that moment and I won`t use it on the Andrea-release.:D

Cheers, Martin

one more idea for the rear view of the model

I have been reading the latest messages about bikers and Hells Angels and I can only surmise that most of these messages are coming from Stateside. I am in the UK and was a motorbike rider (big bikes, not mopeds) for many years and have never affiliated myself with any bike gang of any sort. I know there are bike gangs in the UK but a lot of bikers here take part in charity rides for children's hospitals and the like. I am ex army and every year on Remembrance Day attend the National Memorial in Staffordshire and there are always bikers (ex army themselves) there in their leathers paying their respects. As with most things it is unwise to judge everyone the same on how they look.
My message was not about judging bikers but about concerns that Andrea used the copyright-protected badge of an Outlaw Motorcycle Gang - or if you see it from a different point of view - the badge of a "One-Percenter-Club". The raised concerns indicated that some of the posters know about the ways how these bike gangs protect their copyrights and I can confirm these rumors.
This does not make every biker a criminal and does not make the Andrea release a model I do not wish to add to my future projects. I just don`t care about the copyright-hype about the wearing of these badges - even less if a little tin man is wearing them.
Being ex-army and being involved in some charity-events while still serving the state does not make myself any better than bikers (which are different from bike gangs) or the other way round.
Cheers, Martin
My intent was not to twist anyone up over this issue. I certainly wasn't seriously suggesting that a cranked up mob of Angels would be scouring the figure shows stomping anyone displaying this figure. I think the only time it would be an issue is if a non-member was to walk around wearing their colours. I was actually more surprised by Andrea who is usually very copywrite sensitive.
I talked to a couple of friends of mine today (who happen to be HA) and they thought the piece was pretty cool and thought (as I had posted earlier) if it was to be painted as HA, they should have got the cresting right. I actually foresee a couple of commission requests for this piece.
I grew up around Clubbers, my Father was a full patch member of the Black Diamond Riders, the oldest club in Canada, and have myself been riding and building Harleys for going on 30 years. Like every group of people, there are stand-up men and assholes to be found. Over the years, I have had more problems with 'weekend warriors' playing at being outlaws than I've ever had with clubbers. I will grant that the club violence in Europe in the 90's (notably Scandanavia) is considerably worse and more public than what happens here in N. America but that doesn't make all clubbers cold blooded killers. Make no mistake, I do not defend the actions of anyone who put others in harms way.
As for the figure, I just wish he was riding not sitting with a beer in his hand... drinking and riding is criminal in and of itself ;)

My intent was not to twist anyone up over this issue. I certainly wasn't seriously suggesting that a cranked up mob of Angels would be scouring the figure shows stomping anyone displaying this figure. I think the only time it would be an issue is if a non-member was to walk around wearing their colours. I was actually more surprised by Andrea who is usually very copywrite sensitive.
I talked to a couple of friends of mine today (who happen to be HA) and they thought the piece was pretty cool and thought (as I had posted earlier) if it was to be painted as HA, they should have got the cresting right. I actually foresee a couple of commission requests for this piece.
I grew up around Clubbers, my Father was a full patch member of the Black Diamond Riders, the oldest club in Canada, and have myself been riding and building Harleys for going on 30 years. Like every group of people, there are stand-up men and assholes to be found. Over the years, I have had more problems with 'weekend warriors' playing at being outlaws than I've ever had with clubbers. I will grant that the club violence in Europe in the 90's (notably Scandanavia) is considerably worse and more public than what happens here in N. America but that doesn't make all clubbers cold blooded killers. Make no mistake, I do not defend the actions of anyone who put others in harms way.
As for the figure, I just wish he was riding not sitting with a beer in his hand... drinking and riding is criminal in and of itself ;)


And I do not see a seat belt in use....for shame :)

Colin t'other
I guess that he is clutching a softdrink (a valid driver`s liscense is essential within the clubbers) and that the absense of motorcycle helmets is justified by the regular medical certificate (regularly produced at least over here in Yurop) .... if a seatbelt needs to be there - go for some lead foil to righten our small modelling universe. :)
My experience with the HAMC in the real world is less positive and if a can of beer or violations of safety rules in traffic would be the problem I had (gladly) to focus on other things. Nice model though and a rider on the move would be a great idea.
Cheers, Martin
I was actually more surprised by Andrea who is usually very copywrite sensitive [snip]


I had to laugh at that, considering their form of copy write sensitivity seems to be calling Spiderman "The Arachnid", The Terminator "Cyborg Biker", Lara Croft/Tomb Raider "Storm Raider" and on and on it goes. Copy write sensitivity is the last thing I would associate Andrea with, unless skirting the copywrite is considered being sensitive to it.
Please, without diverging, can anyone clear this:

Reading wikipedia we have this sentence right in the beginning:

"The Hells Angels Motorcycle Club (HAMC) is a worldwide one-percenter motorcycle club whose members typically ride Harley-Davidson motorcycles and is considered an organized crime syndicate by the U.S. Department of Justice" (...)

So, allow me to question: Can something labelled to be "an organized crime syndicate " legally protect the logotype, the merchandise, branding, and so on and so on?

At least where I live, this has little sense as an organization like that would be closed or forbidden (and past cases exist), but please can someone clarify how can this be?

I had to laugh at that, considering their form of copy write sensitivity seems to be calling Spiderman "The Arachnid", The Terminator "Cyborg Biker", Lara Croft/Tomb Raider "Storm Raider" and on and on it goes. Copy write sensitivity is the last thing I would associate Andrea with, unless skirting the copywrite is considered being sensitive to it.
Sorry, I miss worded this... I meant they go out of their way not to get caught by renaming and such... being aware that they are walking a line. In this case they didn't try to skirt around it.

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