My intent was not to twist anyone up over this issue. I certainly wasn't seriously suggesting that a cranked up mob of Angels would be scouring the figure shows stomping anyone displaying this figure. I think the only time it would be an issue is if a non-member was to walk around wearing their colours. I was actually more surprised by Andrea who is usually very copywrite sensitive.
I talked to a couple of friends of mine today (who happen to be HA) and they thought the piece was pretty cool and thought (as I had posted earlier) if it was to be painted as HA, they should have got the cresting right. I actually foresee a couple of commission requests for this piece.
I grew up around Clubbers, my Father was a full patch member of the Black Diamond Riders, the oldest club in Canada, and have myself been riding and building Harleys for going on 30 years. Like every group of people, there are stand-up men and ******** to be found. Over the years, I have had more problems with 'weekend warriors' playing at being outlaws than I've ever had with clubbers. I will grant that the club violence in Europe in the 90's (notably Scandanavia) is considerably worse and more public than what happens here in N. America but that doesn't make all clubbers cold blooded killers. Make no mistake, I do not defend the actions of anyone who put others in harms way.
As for the figure, I just wish he was riding not sitting with a beer in his hand... drinking and riding is criminal in and of itself